Chapter 9

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Talking about family had me thinking of mine. I never knew my father, that wasn't uncommon in the trailer park I grew up in. I wasn't sure when he left, my mom never talked about him. He might not even know I exist. But I knew that his disappearance destroyed my mother. Once I saw pictures of her from before I was born, she had been one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen. Unfortunately, my memories recounted her looking ragged, worn, and vacant. She never used drugs or abused alcohol, she just wasted away waiting for the bastard to return to her. Spoiler alert, he never did and she died waiting.

I suspected Roderick could sense my silent tension though he was saved from saying anything when we pulled up to the large wrought iron gates. A high brick fence struck out from either side, I couldn't see where they ended. We were now officially in the middle of nowhere, no other properties were visible and I didn't recall seeing any for probably fifteen minutes. Roderick punched in a number and the gates opened. It seemed kind of puny for security but I felt magic once we passed through the gate, somehow the property was warded. Once we passed the wards I could feel the energy of many vampires around me in the darkness, most likely security guards. There was an even more intense cluster of energy ahead of me towards the main house I assumed. Man, this was going to be a miserable night if I had to concentrate on blocking out the energy while remaining focused on any security close to us as well as keeping Roderick engaged and into me.

We pulled around to the side of the estate to a side entrance, another building was close, I assumed it was the garage. Marko waited by the door and took the keys from Roderick giving me a stiff look. I didn't have much time to think about it though, as Roderick lead me into the side door and what appeared to be a utility room. The only light came from the open door across from me, I didn't look around too closely being distracted by the sudden cut off of all outside energy. Roderick must have his living area warded as well. With how rare witches or warlocks were, finding one to ward his properties so extensively must have cost him dearly. Which also begged another question, what kind of powers did Roderick possess that he would want this kind of sanctuary? I assumed that if part of the ward included a silencing effect of supernatural powers, it stood to reason that his powers would be in line with reading or manipulating other powers. That worried me a bit but I pushed it aside to be led through the house he called home. The floor plan was very open, with the addition of the utility room and a small bathroom there were no walls on the lower level. It was a large space considering it was just a guest house to the much larger estate. The kitchen was a cook's wet dream, the living room could easily hold a couple dozen people, while still remaining homey. I saw stairs that looked like they led to a large bedroom loft that overlooked the living area. Roderick took off his coat and held out his hand for mine.

"Your dress is lovely," he stated with a playful smile then went to hang up the coats in the utility room, leaving me in the kitchen. It didn't look like these rooms were any that he slept in considering the back wall was completely covered in windows, but they could have shutters I guess. I made my way to the kitchen bar where there were stools as he made his way into the kitchen. Sitting down I had a perfect view of him while he cooked.

"Do you have any food allergies I should know about before I begin?" Roderick asked.

"No. I can and will eat everything, I'm starving."

He gave me a heated look. "Me too."

Now I am not the best flirt which also means I have no idea when someone flirts with me, but the rising heat to my cheeks confirmed my suspicions. "I have to admit, I don't think a man has ever cooked for me. That is unless you count grilling hamburgers."

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