Chapter 6 Part 1

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Not quite sure what to say after the awkward scene at the bar I focused on the park surrounding us to keep from talking. It hadn't taken but a few minutes to walk here, while Roderick claimed he wanted to explain we had both been silent the whole way. We walked along a path lit softly by the occasional lamp, that circled the park leaving an open field to our left and a thick forest of trees to the right. The scent of cut grass and thick foliage combined with the brisk smell of approaching autumn. Nocturnal sounds of crickets and a couple of frogs near a passing pond surprised me. I thought that maybe the woods would go omnisciently quiet when the creatures scented Roderick, it sure felt like I was waiting quietly as to not attract the ire of the monster walking next to me.

"I'm sorry for the way Rakel acted. She can be... " Roderick's voice first startled me I was so lost in my own thoughts of where I was and what I had to do. The quietness between us must have made me feel a little too comfortable because I finished his thought for him without thinking.

"A spoiled bitch?" I stopped walking and put my hand over my mouth not having to act shocked that I had spoken out loud. But Roderick was chuckling as he slowly turned to face me, the shadows cast from the lamps made his face look mysterious yet inviting.

"I was going to say difficult. But I find I cannot argue with your assessment." He continued walking. I was trying to work out how far into the park I would need to get before making my move while not wanting to move that far away from where I had parked my car. Roderick continued talking, oblivious of my nefarious plans.

"I'm not quite sure what possessed her to act that way tonight."

"Oh well, that one is easy. That was the girl version of marking territory. Your girlfriend holds you on a pretty tight leash," I stated, trying not to sound like I was fishing, even though I definitely was. Hopefully, he would just think I was interested in him and not trying to decide between a stake to the front attack or one in the back if I could get him to kiss me. But even though we looked completely alone and no one had left the bar when we did I couldn't help but feeling like I was being watched. I was afraid to open up my powers to scan the area because that would open myself up to more of Roderick's power. I could feel a little of it now with myself completely shut off, it was similar to looking out the window of a high skyscraper. There was a quickening in your stomach, while you felt safe behind the glass you knew there was a potential for great danger. I was seriously worried I wouldn't be able to think if I opened up all the way.

"Ah, well we have dated in the past. However, we are just working colleagues now." I believed him, his voice was so calm and matter of fact that it left no room for doubt.

"Interoffice relationships can be tricky," I mused, not really having any basis for my comment.

"Is that right?" he asked with laughter in his tone. "The man you were meeting at the bar, is he from work?"

"Um, no," I said quickly trying to think of something to add to validate my story. "I met him on an online dating site. I don't really know anyone in the area and it's not easy meeting new people in my line of work."

That was kind of an understatement. Hugo and Daniel were the only people that dealt with the unseen supernatural that I met and liked. Most men, I had yet to meet another female, who became assassins of supernatural creatures had personalities that rivaled the monsters they hunted. Most were ex-cons or men with god complexes, they either wanted to fuck me or fight me and sometimes both.

"What is your line of work?" he asked.

I was saved from having to answer as Roderick stopped walking, the woods next to us had turned silent, his back was rigid as he slowly scrutinized the inky shadows between the trees. Quietly I stepped a few paces away from him and did the same. Not too long after we had stopped a figure slowly began to emerge from the trees, walking determinedly towards us. Roderick spoke before I was able to ascertain who or what it was.

"Jason is there a reason for this interruption," Roderick asked, it was clear in his tone that Jason's insolence was not going unnoticed. Now that Roderick had said his name I was able to place the lanky vampire to the jerk who had tried to hit on me at the bar.

"Well, the way I see it is this. I kind of had dibs you see. I approached that human first." He spoke first as if he was trying to rush through it while his bravery lasted. "So I thought I would claim her since all you seem to want to do is talk to her."

Roderick's hands had turned into fists at his side. His tension spoke of his anger but there was no sign that he was nervous of the imminent fight. Quickly trying to refigure my plans to fit the new circumstances I looked back and forth between the two vampires and remained silent, watching them closely for the clues their bodies would give right before they moved.

"Just how do you plan on claiming her if she is in my company?"

Jason's only answer was a sleazy smile that confused me before two burly arms wrapped around me. One colossal forearm closed over my throat, although it didn't press down hard enough to constrict my air, the message was clear that he would if I made a noise. His other arm wrapped around my waist pulling my body tight against the front of his, lifting me off the ground a couple of inches. Even though the position didn't hurt I was all too aware of how little hope I had of getting away from the brute of a vampire behind me.

Roderick snapped his head in our direction, fury evident in his gaze and the set line of his jaw. But before he could finish the step towards me that he was poised to make, three other male vampires surrounded him. With my senses turned off I knew they were still vampires by how fast they moved, no human could move that quickly.

"Do you still need me to answer that for you, Roderick?" Jason asked, his steps confident as he slowly made his way towards me.

"How dare you try to make a move against me," Roderick's rage and disbelief were apparent in his tone, though I could tell he censored what he said in front of me. As if I wouldn't think it weird that three people had just poofed into existence or that the man behind me held me as if I weighed nothing. Being well muscled for a woman without looking like I actually worked hard at it made me pretty dense and this guy didn't move to adjust his weight or grip at all.

Inspecting the newcomer vampires as best I could in the low light, I saw that they were all nondescript white males floating on the short side of six foot. Even fanned out in a clear show of numbers advantage they still looked small to Roderick's six foot three inches. They all wore the same sneer of disdain Jason did but I could see a fleck of doubt in their eyes, maybe even they weren't a hundred percent about their chances. Ultimately the way I saw it this would play out one of two ways. The five vampires could kill Roderick, which would save me from having to do it making my job easier. With the small problem of said vampires probably trying to eat me next and well fuck that. Or Roderick would fight the vampires, weakening himself thus making it easier for me to kill him. Ashamed to admit it to myself I kind of hoped to deal with the five vampires, Roderick seemed like a force of nature, impossible to take down.

"Bravado will only get you so far Archon Keats" Jason's inflection on the word Archon dripped malcontent. "Word is spreading that your bleeding heart is what makes this territory weak. Makes you weak. You are not fit to rule." Jason had moved while he spoke, keeping his eyes on a fuming Roderick, he now stood next to me. Reaching out a hand he stroked my hair, trailing cool fingers down my neck, nausea turned my stomach over but the vamp holding me prevented me from cringing away. Roderick's eyes seemed to blaze blue fire as he watched Jason touch me, but when he spoke his voice was even without an ounce of worry in his tone.

"You are foolish to doubt me. If what you say is true then it is a good thing I do not lead alone," his smile showed the confidence of victory. Although I did not notice what changed Jason must have because he struck out his hand in an attempt to claw out my throat. I was shocked when the brute holding me twisted at the last second letting his shoulder take the force of impact. Thus saving my life, his hold on me loosened turning protective. I had to twist to see what was happening with the other vampires, but it was happening so quickly I couldn't be sure I could believe everything I was seeing.

I am sorry for the long break between posts, the first week of this semester was a little rough. So, I will go ahead and post two parts to hopefully make up for it. I hope you all are enjoying the story this far, I'd love to hear any thoughts or questions.

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