Chapter 14

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Once Roderick was out of the house Silas retrieved my coat and purse from the utility room and handed them to me. The coat was as long as my skirt had been, so I was grateful to not have to be marched around almost naked. Letting out a deep breath I made a decision, there was no way I was going to be able to get through this if I let my feelings about vampires drive my actions. For the moment I was going to have to call a truce with my vengeance until I had more time to sort through the wealth of new information that had been dumped on me. So I started small.


I had somehow expected him to be surprised by my words or happy that I had made such a concession but he simply gave me a quick nod. After walking outside and making sure I was following he walked briskly to the main house. I was grateful the lawn was so plush and soft, being as I still didn't have any shoes on. My room was close to the side entrance Silas had led me through and on the second floor that we reached by what looked like a small servant's stairwell. It was a fortuitous trip being as we didn't see a soul the entire time. Silas followed me inside, closing the door behind me, he watched impassively as I inspected the room.

As far as prisons went, it was a nice one. Though there were no windows in either the room or the attached bathroom it looked much like an upper-end hotel room. The king size bed was covered in lush linens and the room smelt airy despite the lack of windows. All of my clothes hung neatly in the closet, some of the clothes I had recently bought for my encounters with Roderick hung next to my usual attire of work out clothes, jeans, and tee shirts.

"You don't have to guard me inside the room. It's not like I'm going anywhere." I emphasized by pointing around the windowless room.

"Just following orders, ma'am."

I scoffed, "Don't ma'am me, you're over a hundred years older than me." As soon as we had left Roderick's area I regained my ability to sense power signatures. His eyes widened in surprise, maybe not all vampires could read power signatures then. Still, I carried out my thought wanting to lighten the mood. "I'm practically considered jailbait to the likes of you." It worked as I hoped and he let out a laugh, although it was a nice laugh it didn't last long.

"How do you know how old I am? What are you?" He asked it calmly but I could tell it mattered what my answer was, I was happy his second question allowed me to avoid his first one. At least for now.

"Besides pissed off and sore? I guess the jury is still out on that one, sorry." I began gathering up clothing and headed for the bathroom. "Will you be guarding me in there as well?" He shook his head no so I went in and closed the door, foolishly feeling safer after I locked it behind myself.

Letting out a deep sigh I took care of my business. After scrubbing myself several times, I let the spray of water ease a significant amount of tension out of my muscles. Once out I looked in the mirror, my neck looked better even though the bite marks were still evident. They would be gone by tomorrow night so I dismissed them and continued drying off. After putting on a comfortable bra and pair of underwear I clad myself in tight dark denim jeans and a fitted v-neck graphic tee with a luchador riding a tricycle on the front. The shirt gave me a small smile thinking of how it would fit in with all the designer labels I had seen so far.

Back out in the bedroom, I took the time to really look at Silas. He stood with his hands in his suit pockets in a leisurely way, a gesture more fitting for jeans than a suit. The suit did fit him well, definitely tailored, he wasn't bulky with muscle like Roderick but built more like a soccer player perhaps. He had strong cheekbones and a square jaw, his grey-green eyes were almost almond shaped, that, mixed with his soft mouth and almost rounded nose made him more beautiful than handsome. I quietly wondered if there were any ugly people in this house when I stopped my inspection to put on my steel-toed boots before moving to the weapons on the bed.

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