Chapter 4 Part 2

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Doubt slowly started creeping into my thoughts like an unwanted houseguest. Maybe my idea to just wing it tonight was naïve. Unsure of how to get Roderick's attention in this place decidedly made me feel in over my head. Which was not a feeling I welcomed at the best of times, this was not the best of times. Already I was second guessing going against my fighter instinct by dampening my sensing abilities. But if I hadn't then someone would be going to the hospital, that someone would most likely be me.

It was a good choice though since it caused me to jump when a vampire, that I hadn't felt coming, sat next to me. I'm sure it helped cement the whole innocent damsel in distress thing I had going on. During my research, I discovered that Roderick donated to several charities as well as participated in a lot of community service projects. I was banking on him getting off preying of the same people that thought he was helping him.

A quick look in the mirror showed me it wasn't the vampire I was here for though. I so didn't want to talk to him but I so needed to not be thrown out by causing problems, this made me unsure of what to do. Settling for a quick look at him with a polite smile I then quickly averted my eyes to take a sip of my girly ass drink. The quick glance told me he wasn't from Roderick's group, trim body that could be called lanky, with a plain face made goofy by small ears that stuck out from the side of his head. Lackluster brown hair paired with muddy brown eyes made him look unassuming but the look in his eyes definitely spoke of a sadistic predator.

"What brings a pretty little thing like you into a place like this?" his melodic voice rang out closer to me than expected. Supernatural hearing being what it was I knew he and everyone else heard my conversation with the bartender. But I pushed down my irritation and played his game.

"I'm meeting someone," I said with a terse smile. "For a date," I added hoping he would take the hint.

The vamp smiled like he knew exactly what I hoped but instead of taking the hint he trailed his fingers languidly down my exposed arm. At that moment I visualized snapping his fingers from his reedy hand then gouging his eyes out with them. Maybe that would stop him from looking at me like sex and dinner rolled into one. The visual helped keep my temper from overflowing, I was quite proud of my restraint. Before I could start patting myself on the back hr spoke again.

"I would suggest you stay away from men that would leave you unaccompanied in a place such as this," he stretched his left arm to encompass the whole bar.

"Well then going by your logic I should also stay away from any men met in a place such as this," I emphasized by waving my hand towards him. Unfortunately, that seemed to upset him, I chose to avert my eyes from his murderous glare. Instead, I looked into the mirror, noticing for the first time since I arrived Roderick's expression had changed. The subtle quirk on the side of his lips could almost be a smile.

"What's your date's name?" the vampire next to me asked, returning my attention back to him.

"Richard Parker," I responded deadpan. Once again I tried returning my gaze to the mirror, however, gaunt fingers touched me again, this time on my chin. With gentle pressure he directed my eyes to his, keeping his fingers firmly in place.

"You will forget your date, Richard Parker, and you will leave this place with me now," he stated in a voice low in timber and his eyes a lighter shade of swirling brown.

This stupid vampire was trying to use his power of suggestion on me. I always felt like it was similar to what street magicians do but on crack. I could feel the tendrils of his power trying to sway me to his will but even this power wouldn't work on me and every vampire had it to some degree. Though I think this one might have had extra, to the extent that it may have been his special power. It was my understanding that most bloodsuckers had the same standard powers; stronger, faster, better senses, suggestion, and immortality. Then most of the time they got an additional power that was specific to their bloodline or even just them, such as controlling elements, telekinesis, allure or whatever. I'd even heard that as vampires aged they could still manifest more abilities but I haven't ever seen or felt a vamp with more than one.

So what I was saying was that this vamp probably had the power of suggestion as his special vamp trait, he could probably even use it against other supernaturals. Though like every other vamp power, it didn't work on me. But the swirling of his eyes did mimic the anger spiraling around in my gut demanding an outlet. Obviously sensing my resistance he pushed further.

"Come on, I'll make it worth your while," he stroked the outside of my jaw for emphasis. Finding a reason once again, I smiled sweetly as I relaxed all the muscles in my body.

"I'm sorry but I'm too old," I responded putting a small pout on my face so he thought his vampire charm was working. Sensing that he had me under his influence he removed his hand from my face.

"What?" he asked, confusion pinching his already squished features. "You aren't old"

"Well, something happened a couple years ago. When I turned 25," I said trying to look ashamed by lowering my eyes.

"Oh what's that?" his expression was now more worried than confused.

"Well you see, --" I paused lowering my voice still knowing everyone would hear. Then met his eyes with a look of pity on my face. "I sorta developed standards. Sorry."

The scattered laughter around the bar didn't register at first. Reaching for my bag I stood to move to another part of the bar, the bartender started to approach. The vamps hand clamped down hard on my forearm keeping me where I was next to him at the bar.

Before I could turn around to yell at him I felt the air currents shift next to me. When I turned to face the creep holding onto my arm Roderick was standing next to him. Even with the barstools being quite high Roderick towered over the other vamp, his large muscular hand easily engulfing the slender vamps forearm. The masculine perfection of his face was startling up close especially with the anger obvious in his expression. Then his power hit me, even past my shields, it felt like he could level the entire city and that's precisely what it looked like he wanted to do.

Well crap.

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