Chapter 20

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The car ride back to the estate was a silent one. I had much to mull over and Declan must have sensed I didn't feel like talking. I think out of all the craziness of the night I was most surprised that I had started to believe that there could be supernaturals that weren't monsters, that didn't hurt humans just because they could. But what proof did I have of that? I hadn't seen any vampires feed, there were no obvious signs from any of the humans that they had been fed on, so how were Roderick's vampires getting blood? Also, why had Marko killed that woman in the alley? He wasn't a vampire so he didn't need to feed, I didn't even know what kind of supernatural creature he was, he could have killed her just because he wanted to, I had too little information.

We pulled back into the garage, Declan quietly led me back into the estate, down a hall by the library and told me to sit in a chair before entering a door I hadn't been to yet. I really wanted to hear what was going on in the room, I strained trying to understand the voices and like a light switch, I could hear perfectly into the room. I was seriously going to need to find out what all I was capable of once I got out of this mess.

"I was quite surprised to hear you were the one to assist Aisling in her escape this evening Declan," I recognized Roderick's voice but his tone didn't hold the anger I was expecting, he sounded surprised and maybe suspicious.

"It was hardly an escape Roderick, more like a field trip," Declan's musical voice held barely veiled humor as if he was laughing at Roderick.

"Is that so?" Roderick didn't wait for an answer before he continued speaking. "Since you are a guest in my home I wouldn't expect you to know everything that may be going on with Miss Brooks, but let me make sure we understand one another. She is not to leave the estate again for any reason, is that clear?"

"I had no idea you were keeping prisoners here. Maybe what everyone else is saying outside of your personal bubble is wrong, maybe you are not as weak or soft-hearted as they believe you to be," he said with his usual humor but it was obvious that a more serious emotion unlined his statement. I just couldn't tell what that emotion was, not for the first time I wished I could see their expressions, though I doubted it would let me know much more.

"Trust me Declan, I am not weak. I took this territory by force just like any other Archon existing. I follow our laws and do not draw attention to ourselves. I believe there are better ways to rule without forcing people to follow me through fear and desperation. Just because I am not cruel does not mean that I am going to lose my territory."

"If that is so why have you called me here to broker an agreement for aide?"

"I believe in alliances, an alliance with a Fae would be a beneficial one for many reasons. I have known you a long time Declan, I believe you are a man of honor and I trust you." For a moment it seemed as if Roderick was sucking up. But why would an Archon with hundreds of vampires, and from what I've seen other supes, need the help of just one Fae? What was so special about Fae that Roderick was trying so hard for this deal?

"While all that may be true, you have yet to offer me something that I actually want in return for my help. But I have a feeling that may change soon." There was a brief pause to let that part sink in, I smiled at Declan's theatrics. "I think I am going to retire for the evening. Do go easy on the girl, she wasn't trying to escape." I heard him move to leave the office so I straightened in my chair and tried to look bored.

Declan walked out and gave me a wink which showed me just how successful I had been in acting like I didn't overhear everything. He walked away from me without another word. Before he was completely down the hall Silas came out of the room and motioned me in, I hadn't realized anyone else was in the room with Roderick. I followed him but came to a stop a few steps into what I could now see was a large office. There were several bookshelves, a leather couch to the side, and an antique large oak desk took up most of the space Roderick sat in a large leather office chair behind it. But it wasn't him or his stony expression that stopped me, it was the look of satisfaction on Rakel's face as she stood next to him that made me stop. If she was happy this could not mean well for me.

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