Chapter 22

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My luck was not that good. When I woke again there was a sheet laid on top of me and I was completely healed. Tex was at my side sitting in a chair and I smiled at him.

"Hey, sorry if I tried to kill you." The words brought back the memory of the man's neck snapping and my face fell.

"No problem. It was worth it to see you naked," he wagged his eyebrows at me. I laughed, which I was sure had been his intention. "I'm sorry that happened." His guilty expression made me wonder for the first time how the guy got past Tex.

"How did he get in here?" I asked.

"Tim came and said that there was a problem on sub-level one and that Roderick had requested me immediately. He told me that he would watch your door until I returned. I have worked with the guy for years, I didn't question it so I went. When I came back he wasn't on the door so I went to check on you, I tried to help but well, you know how that worked out."

I reached out and touched his hand, I knew he felt guilty which made me forgive him for pointing a gun at me. No matter what crazy situation we were in I knew Tex didn't want me to get hurt, not analyzing my feelings, which seemed to be a running theme lately, I just sat there touching his hand and appreciating that I wasn't as alone as I thought in this place. Seeming to grow uncomfortable at the continued connection, Tex patted my hand and stood up.

"Now you need to go get cleaned up, everyone is freaking out that you aren't ready yet."

I groaned, "I can't possibly go to a ball, I almost died, I can barely move."

He scoffed at me, "Good try darlin', but with what Silas did we all know you are completely healed. He even checked on you and said you weren't feeling any pain. So let's get moving." I threw a pillow at him but he just laughed as he turned his back so I could put on the robe conveniently provided to me. Considering what had happened in my bathroom I was thankfully led to another guest room down the hall that looked almost like mine but in muted lavender tones. I didn't prefer the room but I was happy to be away from the memories of the other one.

When I got out of the shower wearing two towels I saw that Tex was no longer there but was surprised to see Aerial had replaced him. She looked beautiful with big curls in her long hair, a waterfall braid pulled the hair away from her face and showed off her hazel eyes that I could now see better without her glasses. I could see why she wore them, the gold center of her iris' spiraled out from the green that resulted in a look similar to golden galaxies reflected in her eyes. I was sure of how her eyes probably affected most people having humans react to my less spectacular ones so I continued looking her over without comment. She was wearing a pink, silk, long-sleeved dress, it was backless with a slightly plunging neckline, with black lace spliced design it was sweet and feminine while still maintaining a boho feel.

"You look amazing," I said genuinely. She smiled then clapped her hands while rushing over to me.

"And I get to help you look even more amazing, isn't that awesome? But we have to hurry so I asked one of my friends to help. I hope you don't mind." Before I could answer a female vampire entered the room, I remembered interviewing her and she had stuck out among the household for being one of the few not to give me dirty looks. Other than a quick hello she didn't meet my eyes or speak. The room had been transformed while I was in the shower, there was a large beauty station set up with more things than I could accurately name laid out.

Aerial led me to a chair with the back facing the mirror and had me sit down. The vampire went behind me and I tensed having her at my back but Aerial grabbed my hand and smiled at me, her expression said everything was going to be okay and for this moment I decided to trust her. The vampire, I had been introduced to as Kira, fixed my hair efficiently, creating waves with a weird looking curling iron then pulling most of it to the side. I saw her out of the corner of my eyes grab a beautiful hairpin adorned with rubies, but I couldn't focus too much on what she was doing as Aerial was in my face doing my makeup and had told me to close my eyes for eyeshadow. I tried to ask for a peek but Aerial refused.

"There aren't many surprises in life. Please don't take away this one," she said, and though her voice was chipper as always there was a sadness behind them.

"What do you mean?" I asked. For me personally, life was full of surprises and few were ever pleasant.

"I am the oracle," she said it in such a defeated tone that was so uncharacteristic of what little I had seen from her it felt brash to pry further. I figured she was right and there couldn't be many surprises to an oracle.

Before I knew it, it was time to get dressed, the black strapless corset reminded me of my night with Roderick but this time I was forced to wear black stockings snapped to the straps on the bottom of this one. Aerial helped me into the dress I was going to wear, I couldn't really get a sense of what it looked like past all the folds of wine colored organza. After it was on Aerial turned me to look into a full-length mirror. I looked at the dress to avoid facing my own reflection and was awestruck by the beauty of it. It was sleeveless with a full skirt. The bodice wrapped around me in a Grecian style, accented with beads.

"You wanna know the coolest part?" Aerial asked, nearly bouncing in her spot next to me. She continued without waiting for my answer. "There are slits hidden in the folds on the sides of the dress. You can strap weapons to your legs and be able to access them easily. Roderick insisted on it when discussing the design."

I didn't know about easy access but it was definitely better than nothing, and Roderick had designed the dress? That was crazy but the thought that he knew me well enough to know I'd want close to weapons was a more disconcerting thought. Or maybe I should be more worried that with my track record here he thought I may need my weapons tonight. I didn't have to be told that I was lucky to be alive after the last two attempts on my life.

With my hair and makeup done I looked like a complete stranger. The heavy eye makeup made my amber eyes stand out, Aerial must have done something to make my cheekbones more prominent as well as making my lips look sinfully plump. It was easily the most beautiful I had ever looked, even on prom night.

"You both did an amazing job, thank you. If I am forced to go to this ridiculous thing I am glad I will be able to blend in," I told them both. Aerial giggled and Kira simply smiled.

"Pu-lease," Aerial drawled out dramatically, "looking like that you will totally stand out. You are hawt!" I just knew that hot would be spelled 'hawt'. I rolled my eyes as both girls left.

I started to put on weapons to keep from staring at my own reflection trying to see myself reflected back, nothing like a makeover to accentuate feeling lost in my own skin. There was really only room for my fans to be strapped onto my thighs, so with a sigh of disappointment, I strapped on my shoes. I was just beginning to wonder where I was supposed to go when the door opened.

My hands reached for my fans reflexively and Silas stopped mid-step as I turned to look at him. His mouth was hanging open.

"Do I look as phony as I feel?" I asked to break the tension.

"You look beautiful," he said coming into the room and closing the door. I inspected him, he looked amazing in a suit, the pale green tie brought out his eyes and his smile was radiant as he watched me look him over.

"You look quite dapper yourself," I told him.

"Roderick set aside some jewels for you to wear tonight," he said holding up a velvet box. "These are on loan to you."

"Without the murder attempts, bitchy ex-girlfriends, and a ticking clock to my untimely demise I would say this is just like Pretty Woman," I said offhandedly. He smiled but didn't say anything to that as he started to put the necklace on me, it was several diamonds twisted and intertwined in an almost web design, then a single large drop ruby was housed in the center. The chandelier earrings matched perfectly.

"We should get going, people have already arrived," Silas informed me, as he started to turn towards the door I grabbed his arm probably grabbing harder than I should. Immediately all of my tension and nerves left my body as his power thrummed through the contact, I willingly took what he offered.

"Will it totally ruin my badass image if I ask you not to leave me alone tonight?"

"The big bad hunter afraid of some socialites and dancing," he teased. I just glared at him. "I will do my best JB."

Without looking back at the mirror we were off to the ball. Yay.

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