Chapter 18

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The dining room was crowded with many of the human guards getting off duty and a lot of the vampires waking up and getting around. Silas led me to an empty table and left to go get us food. Not shortly after Tex walked up and eyed me warily, not sure of his welcome. I nodded that he was welcome to sit with me. As he was about to say something the stranger I had met downstairs after Roderick patched me up walked up to us with a young woman. She couldn't have been more than nineteen, she was barely over five feet tall and wore wayfarer eyeglasses over her hazel eyes. She wore multiple headbands across her forehead and on top of her sunkissed mocha hair that reached the middle of her back. Some pieces of her hair were straight, some were a bit wavy, while other chunks were crinkled as if they were braided at one point. She wore a big flowy peasant shirt with lace inlays in the front by the buttons with cut off jean shorts and a pair of well-worn cowboy boots. Other than the way she was dressed she was unlike anyone I had seen here because she was looking at me with the biggest smile I ever recall someone giving me. Her perfect white teeth might have made her smile seem too big for her face but matched with her big eyes it gave her an innocent beauty that must have drawn people to her.

"Hi, I'm Aerial. You must be Aisling," she held out her hand to shake mine. I didn't hesitate since she instantly made me feel at ease and when my hand touched hers I felt her power. She wasn't a vampire or shifter, again she was something I had never encountered before, although not overwhelming like the man standing next to her, who thankfully had his power locked away still. Her power felt old like the most ancient vampire but with a freshness that made me believe her age was in line with her appearance. Whereas a vampire's power signature was dark and foreboding hers gave off light and hope.

"Declan says you two have already met." She pointed to the male accompanying her.

"Something like that," I smiled at her and looked over at Declan suspiciously. Aerial giggled.

"So, could we sit with you," she asked. I looked over at Tex, though I don't really know why to gauge what he thought of the newcomers. He was uncharacteristically quiet but nodded his head, looking as curious as I felt. I smiled at Aerial as they both sat down.

"So I didn't meet you two the other night when I interviewed everyone, are you part of Roderick's household?"

"I am not," Declan said. "I am a visiting guest. I just arrived today."

"I am but Roderick didn't feel it necessary for me to participate in the interview," Aerial said before she bit into an apple.

My anger flared at Roderick again thinking he knew who it was necessary for me to talk to, not that I thought this light carefree person was a murderer. If he thought he knew who was worth interviewing and not then why did he need me to stay in this place. Who knew? Maybe this girl was a witch and was putting a spell on everyone to make them trust her. Was that a thing that witches could do? I was prevented from asking myself anymore stupid question as Silas joined us with our food.

"Everything alright, JB?" he was looking at me when he asked so I knew he was talking to me.

"JB?" I mouthed the question at him. He just smiled one of his gorgeous smiles and sat down.

"Everything's great, I guess these two grew tired of being well-liked and not having their lives threatened so they thought they would speak to me in public."

Everyone gave me devious smiles and began eating. Tex gave me a wink and I felt something settle inside of me. For a moment I wondered if Daniel and Jack knew all the freaky things I could do if they would still be as welcoming as this bunch. The thought sobered me but I wasn't allowed to dwell in my dark mood for long.

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