Chapter 5

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The hairs on my arm stood on end as Roderick's power blasted through me. My breath was stolen from me as if I was standing at the top of a snow tipped mountain in the middle of a lightning storm. The disorienting feeling put me on the defensive. I instinctually rolled my wrist maneuvering my hand to the vamps forearm. Applying pressure I pinched the tendon in his arm which caused him to release me as I threw his arm off.

"Looks like you are losing your touch, Jason," Roderick said his voice in control. His anger and power decreased as soon as Jason was no longer holding my arm.

"Nothing wrong with my touch. Something is wrong with that immune bit-" he didn't get the chance to say the last syllable before he was slammed face first into the bar. Which knocked my drink off the backside of the bar hopefully drowning out the sound of my surprised gasp. I was still reeling from the Archon using vamp speed in a public setting. His familiarity with the place meant that anything could happen to me there. Although the tension had abated slightly I was very much on alert for anything to shift at the drop of a hat.

"That's enough. Leave. Now." The command in Roderick's voice was a physical presence in the room making the air strained with tension while everyone watched the pair. The pressure in the room finally released as Jason walked out of the bar giving me a glare that made me certain I had not made a new friend. Great. The rest of the bar returned to its laid-back atmosphere, however, the tension remained around me as Roderick focused his intense gaze towards me.

Crisis averted, I let out a shaky breath and placed my hands on the bar.

"Thank you, he was quite unpleasant," I said, a slight strain lingered in my voice.

"Not a problem," his voice held laughter. I turned to face him and from under my eyelashes, I saw him smiling at me. Without my consent, my heart fluttered at the sight. It shouldn't have been possible that something so vile could be that pretty. Politely, I returned the smile. Seeming to be encouraged he held out his hand for mine.

"I'm Roderick Keats," he said still holding his charming smile. I took his hand to shake but he shifted his grip to place a chaste kiss on the back of my hand. Really? Who does that? Keeping my smile I held back a condescending remark.

"Well thank you for your intervention, Mr. Keats. My name is Aisling." I once again grabbed my bag from the bar counter to leave. "I believe I have been stood up. At least you showed me chivalry isn't dead."

"Please stay. You have only been here a few minutes it is just now nine o'clock. It would spoil my evening if you left and I had to watch your date sit here waiting for you." Humor sparkled in his eyes while he focused his attention on me. "What if he cries? Can you imagine what these men would do to a crier?" When I looked at him he had a look of subtle outrage. I couldn't help it I laughed at his imagery.

"One more drink," I said giving him a warning look that I was to be taken seriously. He raised his hands in a placating gesture and then pointed to the stool for me to be seated. As I sat I had to remind myself that Roderick was a vampire. He was remarkably human looking, his skin glowed with virility. Joining me at the bar his motions were smoothly unrushed. Noticing a few buttons of his shirt unbuttoned my attention went to his smooth upper chest that moved with his even breathing. Motioning for more drinks I took a deep breath inhaling his scent which was a combination of musk, sandalwood, and maybe grapefruit. Perhaps he noticed because he turned and gave me another remarkable smile.

"So Aisling what brings you to a place like this?" The way he said my name made me smile back confidently.

"What do you mean? I go to bars like this all the time. Actually, this is pretty mild for me." I peeked at him from the corner of my eyes. Laughing robustly his sapphire eyes sparkled in mirth.

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