Chapter 10

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With a deep breath to center myself, I moved towards Roderick, his eyes followed hungrily. As I pushed my hands up underneath his sweater, his ridged ab muscles twitched at my touch and his arms reached out to me.

I clucked my tongue, "No touching, not yet."

His smile turned deviant, obediently returning his arms to his side. While my hands made their way up his firm chest, I gently pushed him back towards the bed. During his willing retreat, Roderick slipped out of his shoes without ever stopping his backward movement.

Without stopping to admire his finesse I brought my hands back down to grab the bottom of his sweater, mistakenly bumping up against his erection. He let out a hiss, body jerking. I couldn't help my satisfied smile. Drawing out the process of removing the garment over his head, I gave a quick assessment of the room while his vision was blocked. There were no windows up here and no exit other than the stairs. Only one door was visible, probably a bathroom or closet. By the time his sweater was off I had returned my focus to his body.

"I know you will not believe me, but this is not a common practice of mine," his voice was quiet, full of restraint and anticipation. "You are irresistible," he finished almost whimsically.

He was right, I didn't believe him. He was also perfect which annoyed me more than anything else. Such a waste. A light sprinkling of hair in the center of his defined chest met with a thicker patch that traveled down his stomach, disappearing into jeans. Well, I assumed it led there since his erection protruded proudly from the top of his jeans, reaching towards his belly button.

Dear Lord. I was momentarily fixated on it, not sure if it was disappointment or relief that I wouldn't actually have to figure out the logistics of fitting him into me. Quickly I shook off my stupor and slowly looked up at him, to see his own version of a self-satisfied smirk resting on his pristine face. A smirk I desperately wanted to remove. Suddenly I grabbed his belt, opened the buckle and yanked with force. Although his eyes showed his surprise he didn't lower his smile. Changing tactics mid-move I took my time removing the rest of his belt, lingering "accidental" touches to the tip of him.

"You are going to force me to embarrass myself if you keep that up, love." The endearment hit me like a slap but I comforted myself that the smile was now off his face, in its place a look of desperate concentration.

"Something tells me you will endure just fine," I said. Which was true, he looked like he wouldn't be satisfied for hours. I wondered briefly if he typically had the restraint to keep his toys alive for that long.

With his exposed tip I just assumed he wasn't wearing underwear, but when I dropped his pants I saw black boxer briefs. I was trying to figure out if the briefs were poorly designed, I mean to my knowledge underwear was supposed to contain it all, right? Roderick interrupted my musings by kissing me fiercely, almost knocking me off balance. Quickly I pushed him back on the bed, he bounced a little on impact. Expecting to see anger, his face only showed his playfully expectant smile. The full focus of Roderick Keats gaze was so strong it was almost a physical touch as he watched me remove the wide belt at my waist. Not quite lying back on the bed, he rested his weight on forearms keeping an inclined position.

The tension in Roderick's body showed he could spring from the bed at any moment, I was hoping the jeans still tangled around his ankles would trip him up if he did. Throwing the belt a few feet away, so not to disturb my own footing, I then unzipped my dress from the back. All the while his eyes were locked onto mine. The twitching of his hand gave away his desire to help. Sensually I let the dress drop from my shoulders, his eyes snapped to the exposed flesh as the dress continued its descent to the floor.

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