Chapter 15

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Roderick's estate was huge. The top floor and part of the second were all dorms for the humans that worked for Roderick. Security, maintenance people, housekeepers, and cooks all lived on site. The remainder of the second floor was guest rooms like the one I was currently staying in. Throughout the tour I would pass by people as Silas led the way, most of them gave me hostile looks, others looked leery and maybe afraid, then some looked flat out curious. When Silas took me downstairs I saw where the majority of the household stayed. There was a large industrial kitchen and a huge dining area that looked similar to a nice cafeteria, I could smell food through the kitchen and it made my stomach growl audibly. But I wouldn't dare eat in the cafeteria with the obvious hostility being pushed my way. There were three recreational areas, one looked like a movie theatre, another was a sort of game room equipped with a pool table, multiple tv's, and game consoles. The last room was more of a library and sitting area where most people sat and socialized quietly in little groups.

It was strange to see all of the humans mixed with vampires. I thought for sure I would be overwhelmed with the sensation of so many supernatural powers but I wasn't, there was so much to see and observe that their power signatures were just a subconscious thing like the temperature of the room. Silas explained there was more to the upstairs that we hadn't seen, rooms such as a ballroom and formal dining room but they were closed off unless needed for a function. At one point I wondered why he was showing me all of this, with me being a threat to Roderick it seemed like a really bad idea to give me a blueprint of the estate. So that either meant that Silas was stupid or no one planned on letting me leave this place. I didn't think Silas was stupid. I sighed for the seventh time tonight.

Leading me to an elevator off the kitchen I entered behind Silas. There were several floors underground, he caught my lifted eyebrow at more numbers below than above and spoke up.

"There are many things down here. Everything downstairs requires a security clearance. I will be showing you only the first level." His voice didn't sound apologetic for this and I understood the need to keep all the vampires protected. So I guess he wasn't giving me much information that really put Roderick in danger. This knowledge might make another attempt faster if I were to try again but I was not foolish enough to think it would make me any more successful.

The first underground level was the exercise and wellness area. It was amazing. There was a swimming pool, a basketball court that looked like it doubled as a sparring room with mats lining half the floor, they even had bleachers. I couldn't imagine what a vampire basketball game would look like but my mouth quirked up at the idea. Then there was a gym, with multiples of every type of workout machine imaginable.

"I guess this is why everyone here is so stupid beautiful," I said it offhand and more to myself but I expected Silas to respond when he didn't I looked behind myself. He was smiling at me as if I had just complimented him; I guess in a way I did. Damn. It was a common misconception that vampires stayed in whatever condition they were in when they were turned. It was much more messed up than that. If they had a high percentage of fat when they were turned the vamp's accelerated metabolism would work it off to a normal healthy weight. It was almost impossible for a vampire to be fat but they could build up muscle mass and keep their muscles defined. But to do so it was almost harder for them to do than humans, I would assume that all of their equipment was adjusted for this. Vampires were stronger than humans, not pick up your house strong or throw cars around like pillows strong. But a mid-level vampire would be able to out lift almost any professional bodybuilder. So I was guessing somewhere between there, it varied from vamp to vamp. Silas was still looking at me pleased, oh were we still on the whole beautiful thing? Feeling embarrassed I turned and looked out at the gym, Silas finally spoke, breaking the awkward silence.

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