Operator idea: Aphrodite

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(A/n): This is the last operator idea of mine for now before continuing the story. Some stuff here might be considered inappropriate. You have been warned.

Name: Delta Agnes

Codename: Aphrodite

Organization: 1st Raider Brigade

Age: 28

Height: 5'10"

Place of Birth: Athens, Greece

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Skin Color: White

Unique Gadget: AHDG "Cupid" drone( Aerial Hormones Dart Gun)

-Special aerial drone that can fire two types of dart with various tactical purposes. First is a powerful Aphrodisiac that causes the human body to flood with hormones causing hallucination, dizziness, nausea, increased heart rate, increased body temperature, discomfort, difficulty concentrating, and may turn enemies gay (A/n: Inspired by the real-life gay bomb project).  It is an effective tool for distracting and weakening foes to be taken out more easily. The second kind of dart is filed with a chemical that causes the body to flood with adrenaline and kicks the 'fight or flight response' into overdrive and increases heart rate, focus, reaction time, hearing, vision, speed and strength. This is helpful to teammates who need it, allowing them to deal with the dangerous situation more effectively. However, too much can be fatal.



-FN FAL para


-HK mp7


-Impact grenade

-Concussion grenade


-Speed: 3

-Armor: 1


-Great marksmanship

-Good hand to hand combat

-Mastered knife combat in 1st Raider Brigade

-Can run 100 meters dash in 14 seconds

--Can speak 5 languages: Greek, Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese 


- Her parents are chemists and pushed her to study chemistry and biology. She excelled in the subject and got offered scholarship for chemistry by Oxford at just 14. She graduated at 16 and finished her PhD at just 24. Her parents wanted her to study more and become a doctor but she was disinterested and wanted to help her country by joining the 1st Raider Brigade. She was deployed in Afghanistan as a combat medic, a role in which she excelled in. 

-Using a knowledge of chemistry and biology, she developed a special chemical that triggers the release of adrenaline which she put to good use by injecting it into squad mates, buffing their senses, speed and strength. She came up with another chemical, an aphrodisiac which is good for interrogation. One day, she decided to custom build a small UAV and attach two dart guns to it, one loaded with the adrenaline darts, and the other with aphrodisiacs which allowed her to buff friendlies out of reach or weaken enemies.

-Her superiors saw her potential and transferred her to team Rainbow

Psychological profile:

-She is confident and cheerful, never letting a bad situation stress her out. She is also very kind and caring of her team mates, good traits for a combat medic to have. Overall, she is a positive, cheerful person who is almost always happy no matter what, basically the opposite to (Y/n). 

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