Operator Video Idea

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A/n: Just some fun ideas for the operator videos



"Man's greatest fear is the what he does not understand"

A door is kicked down and flash bangs were thrown into a small dimly lit room. A few seconds later, there was a bright flash and a loud bang. Men armed with assault rifles stormed into the room.

"He fears what he cannot smell"

The men looked around and swept the area carefully. Looking at every nook cranny with their underbarrel flashlights. The room was completely silent.

"He fears what he cannot hear."

Lights turned on, illuminating the whole room revealing that it was empty aside from the armed men.

"He fears what he cannot see"

One of the men's neck erupted with blood, one by one the armed soldiers had their neck slit by an invisible force leaving only one, he looked around frantically. A soldier wearing advanced armor appeared out of thin air behind him and aimed his pistol at his head.

"Now you see me"

The soldier holding an assault rifle turned around.

"Now you die"

Shadow pulled the trigger, blood erupted from the terrorist's head.


A sniper lied prone on a hill with his sniper rifle, looking at a large mansion. He did a magazine check and grabbed his walkie talkie.

"Target in sight, one round left"

"Make it count"

He operated the bolt action, putting the bullet in the chamber. He aims through his scope and slowly moves his crosshair on to the head of a man wearing a white mask and a suit.

"One shot"

He pulled the trigger. The bullet moves through the air, pierced through glass and into the terrorist's head causing it to explode. He operated the bolt action and caught the bullet casing midair.

"One kill"


the inside of a warehouse was on fire, hundreds of burning armed men ran around screaming. A soldier holding a grenade launcher on his shoulder walks through the mayhem. The soldier started speaking.

"If you find something annoying"

A burning piece of wood fell down onto three terrorists behind the soldier.


Behind the soldier, two burning men ran into each other and fell down, large grates fell onto them. 

"Hard to get rid of"

The crates exploded, the soldier walked out of the warehouse into a prairie. A few seconds later, the warehouse exploded , leaving behind a raging inferno, the soldier keeps on walking.

"Kill it with fire"


In a military tent, dozens of soldiers wandered around drunkenly. A woman stood in the middle, holding a drone in her hand.

"Fire power is overrated"

The terrorists hugged each other

"Why waste ammo you don't have to"

The terrorists started French kissing

"Why take lives if there's an alternative"

The terrorists started making out.

"Make love not war"

Specter/Black Demon:

A group of seven raiding soldier entered a room and looked around. The lights turned off, the soldiers looked around with their flashlights.

"To be the ultimate soldier, you need skill, reflex and agility"

The soldiers keep on looking around.

"But more importantly, you need the will to kill"

Six gunshots were heard. A small light turned on, there were six bodies lied on the floor now covered in blood, the last soldier looked around frantically. A figure in high tech armor in advanced armor stepped out of the shadow and grabbed the soldier by the throat and lifted him up. The soldier tried to speak.


"I'm not a monster, I'm a demon"

The figure choked the terrorist and dropped the body. 

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