Chapter 18: Operation: Eagle Eye

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(A/n): Thank you all for 3k reads! You guys are amazing!

2 weeks after the events of Operation: Modern Warfare.

(Y/n) POV:

I exited my dorm and went to the Med bay to check on Joseph. Last time i checked Doc was still removing the serum. I reached the room and knocked on the door.  After a few seconds, Doc opened it.

Doc:" What do you need, (Y/n)?"

"How's Joseph."

Doc:" It's going great, most of the serum is removed. However, it did slightly affect his memory so using the regular memory revovery techniques won't work, i'll have to rely on high tech."

I peaked into the room to see Joseph restrained on the bed with what seems to be a VR headset on his face.

"Thanks Doc, see you later."

Just as i closed the door, The intercom turned on.

Intercom:" May operators Spectre, Ballista, Glaz and Blackbeard."

I ran to the meeting room and entered. After a few seconds, the others arrived. We took our seats.

Six:" Now that you're here. I'll inform you about the new mission, it's a simple but important one. Failure is not an option. Understood?"

We nodded, Six continued.

Six:" Tomorrow afternoon, the president of the United States is going on a Parade. However, leaks and intel has informed us that there might be an assassination attempt. You're tasks as the best snipers of Team Rainbow is to prevent this at all cost while keeping collateral damage to a minmum. Any questions?"

Blackbeard raised his hand. Six gestured towards him.

Blackbeard:" I know i have a dmr, the Mk11 but i'm not exactly the best sniper."

Six:" Well, i figured we would need Glaz but the CIA wouldn't allowed a russian soldier at first. After some negotiating, they allowed it n the condition that a Navy SEAL comes along just in case."

Blackbeard nodded and we exited the room.

Time skip

Operation: Eagle Eye

Location: Washington D.C, USA

Objective: Protect the president during the parade at all cost

Team Leader: Specter

Operators: Ballista, Glaz, Blackbeard.

Notes: Requested by the CIA to make sure the presidentital parade goes smoothly. Prevent any assassination attempts at all cost while minizing collateral damage 

We have just lef our hotel and went to the street that the parade was going to take place, we were greeted by a CIA officer.

CIA:" It's good to have you here, team Rainbow, I really want this parade to go safely, having you here would really help with that. Now, get in position."

 Each of us got in our own building to maximize coverage. We were keeping our eyes peeled, the CIA obviously didn't want another JFK incident, neither do we. The sidewalks were overcroweded with hundreds of spectators and anyone of them could be an assassin. We watched carefully for any suspicous activity. Soon after, the president's jeep came down the streets along with many other vehicles. The president of the USA peeked out of the jeep to wave at the spectators. People were cheering loudly, some were even throwing gifts and flowers. However, i spotted some movement and spotted a man pushing through the crowd. The man pulled out a pistol and started shooting, the prsident ducked back int othe vehicles and the people started running and screaming. I tapped my comms.

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