- ix -

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"Turn that fucking phone off," Brooklyn mumbled after Rye's phone buzzed for what seemed like the twentieth time.

The two of them were on the couch, out of breath but satisfied. Rye leaned over, quickly checking the message, "it's Andy."


"So he left some of his stuff here," Rye mumbled, "i'm gonna kill him."

"Fuck him," Brooklyn smirked, swiftly taking Rye's phone from his hand and tossing it onto the other couch.

Rye shrugged, "fair enough," and wrapped his arms around his ex boyfriend.

Brooklyn cuddled into him and closed his eyes, soon drifting off to sleep.

Rye smiled to himself as he felt himself falling asleep too, happy that Brook hadn't left as soon as it was over.

Rye's phone ringing woke them both up about an hour later, and Brooklyn reached down to the floor, feeling for something and finding a shoe, throwing it at the too-loud phone.

"Turn it off!" Brook groaned, "if it's Andy, tell him I'm gonna kill him."

Rye hummed a response and got up. "What?!" he said into the phone.

Brooklyn listened, watching Rye on the phone as he smirked to himself.

"No, you can't," Rye frowned, "well tough shit!"

'Who is it?' Brooklyn mouthed to him.

"Wear something else! You're not coming back yet," Rye rolled his eyes, mouthing, 'Fowler.'

Brooklyn joined Rye in rolling his eyes and stood up, wrapping his arms loosely around Rye's neck.

"Yeah, so what?" Rye questioned, "Andy, you can fuck off! I'll bring it all round to yours later."

Brooklyn smirked, looking up at Rye, "take it now," he whispered.

"Why?" Rye whispered back, ignoring whatever Andy said.

"So he stops interrupting us," Brook bit his lip.

"Done," Rye nodded, "And, I'll bring it over now, yeah?"

Brooklyn teasingly kissed Ryan's neck, fingers gliding through his hair.

"Yeah, ten minutes," Rye said pulling Brook closer, "shut up- I'll see you in a sec!"

Rye hung up and pushed Brooklyn onto the couch, kissing him roughly as he leaned over him.

"If you hurry up, you can fuck me sooner," Brooklyn smirked against Rye's lips.

With that, Rye pulled away and was out of the house within two minutes. He sped to Andy's and practically threw his things at him as he opened the door and turned away.

"Wait! How's it going?" Andy called him back.

"Well he's still in mine, so....."

"Good luck!" Andy smirked and Rye jumped I'm his car, driving home as quickly as he could without getting caught.


It was Bedroom FLOOR silly simplypenguin 💙

Bedroom Floor - Rylyn (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now