Moving Day

457 17 4

Rated: T-M

Word Count: 1703 (Including Author's Notes)


The sun streamed through Henry's window forcing him to crack open his eyes. His alarm went off a couple minutes later, he didn't bother to hit snooze. Instead, he just unplugged it from the wall and tossed it into the many boxes that were stacked haphazardly around his room. Before he even began to brush his teeth he received a text from Jasper.

Meet us at Ted's Twisters around 12:00.

Henry smiled then shot back a text confirming he would be at the ice cream place. He showered, brushed his teeth and finished the rest of his morning routine. "HENRY!" Piper shouted from the first floor, "Hurry up! The truck is here we have to start loading!" Henry took a glance around his room then grabbed one of his boxes labeled 'clothes' then dragged it down the stairs.

"Good morning!" His mom greeted him as she flipped pancakes over on the stove, his dad was probably already outside helping Piper loading her stuff.

"Hi, mom." He said moodily, even though he knew why his parents wanted to move he didn't have to like it. She handed him a plate of hot cakes then said, "get going, we have to get out of here before eleven. That's when the new family is moving in." Henry nodded then at his pancakes as he made his way to the front of his house.

"Hey dad, I got another box for you." His father turned around and took his box then Henry took a peek to see what was already packed. It seemed like his entire life, his whole house, was shoved into the small moving truck. "I can't change your minds can I?" Henry's dad shook his head then hugged him,

"I'm sorry Henry, I know how difficult this move will be, but I want you to know I'm doing this for you." Henry nodded,

"I know dad. Hey, is it okay if I meet up with Charlotte and Jasper one last time before we leave?" Once his dad gave him the okay Henry began the walk to Ted's Twisters. As he was walking his phone dinged notifying him of a new email. Frowning he slid the notification to the left and it opened.

Benny Weir <<>>

Hi Henry,

I'm your cousin, the one who you're moving for. I want to know everything about what it's like living in a big city with actual superheroes. The closest thing to those we have here... well, let's just hope you don't have to meet them. I asked your mom, who's apparently my half-aunt if I could get your email. Hope that was okay.

C u soon,


Henry chuckled as he read it, Benny wouldn't even know it but he's going to meet one of Swellview's finest. He pushed open the door to the ice cream shop and smiled when he saw his childhood friends. "Jasper, Char!" He exclaimed giving them both hugs. "I love you guys so much, thanks for doing this." They both nodded but Charlotte was the one who spoke,

"We love you too Henry, look! We already ordered your favorites." Sure enough, when he looked at the table she was pointing at had all of his favorite flavors of ice cream.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's dig in!" Within the next hour, the three teens ate their way through all eighteen different ice cream flavors.

"Woah." Jasper said as his stomach gurgled, "that shouldn't happen." Henry laughed then said,

"no, but it did. I don't think I can eat another bite. Hey guys, I just wanted to say thanks for being such amazing friends for my entire life." Charlotte smiled lightly then hugged him tightly,

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