Meeting the Family

400 10 2

Rated T-M

Word Count: 3074


When Piper and Henry finally made it downstairs Benny and two of the other people from his newest vision were sitting on their couch watching some weird vampire movie. "Which one of you are Benny?" Henry asked all three of them turned around.

"That'll be me." The one with the dark green jacket stood up and shook Henry's hand.

"I'm Sarah," the brown-haired girl said. The final teen introduced himself as Ethan, and Benny's best friend.

"So... where do you guy's want to go out to eat?" Benny grinned,

"Definitely Chucks Cheeseburgers! They have the best burgers in town, probably the whole USA!" Henry chuckled,

"I don't know man, Splattburger's pretty good." Ethan chuckled,

"sure man, but we're going to prove you wrong." Henry's mom laughed then handed the blonde twenty dollars.

"Just be back by eleven okay?" Henry nodded and gave her a hug then left with his cousin and his friends.

They arrived at Chuck's Cheeseburgers in the timespan of half an hour including the stops they made in a few shops and stuff. The other three teens seemed to know what they wanted already. "Waiter? Yeah, I'll take a steakburger, bloody." Sarah ordered Henry was surprised that she wanted a bloody steakburger, she didn't seem like the kind of girl who would've liked her burger bloody.

"I'll have my usual and he'll have a cheeseburger with everything but the cheese." The waiter scribbled down their orders and walked away leaving the table to settle into an awkward silence.

"So Henry, living in a town of superheroes must've been exciting!" Benny started off the conversation, Henry nodded but didn't say anything.

"Did you get to meet Captain Man and Kid Danger?" This time Henry actually spoke, though the memory was painful to think about he did want to get to know these people.

"Yeah I did, a few times actually. This one time, Captain Man came to my house because he had a crush on my mom and since my dad was out of town for the weekend he just lived with us for three days. I ended up calling him Captain Dad." Henry said smirking at the memory. "So, what's the most interesting thing that's happened here?" He asked his new friends, they all looked at each other like deer in headlights, but Benny answered smoothly,

"well I was just in that car accident so that sucked. I missed like, the last couple weeks of summer because of it." Henry didn't know whether to laugh or say he was sorry about the crash. Ethan, on the other hand, looked at his friend with a concerned expression plastered on his face.

"Benny, be happy you're alive." With the way, the brown-haired boy said that it seemed like there was some kind of double meaning to the sentence.

"Here's your food." Their waiter said returning to the table with a platter of burgers and fries. When everyone got their food the table was engulfed with silence again.

"Whoops," Sarah said when she accidentally knocked over her plastic cup, both she and Henry reached down to pick it up. The second they made physical contact Henry was thrown into another vision...

Vision-Henry was standing in the middle of an old-looking room surrounded by other people. Wait, those weren't humans, they had fangs. Vision-Henry circled his arm as he knelt on the floor on one knee as if to prepare for a battle of some sort. The second Henry's knee and palm hit the floor at the same time a pulse of energy exploded from him and hit all the fang-people surrounding him knocking them all out. 

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