The Messenger

238 6 1

Rated T-M

Word Count: 1836

Trigger warnings are always applied, read at your own risk!

Once Henry left his house Benny let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Alright so, what do we know?" The Spellmaster asked his friends while they sat around the kitchen table. Ethan frowned,

"what are you talking about?" Benny sighed then gestured to the old books that littered his kitchen table.

"What do we know about whatever the hell Henry is?" Sarah spoke up,

"he's a Seer, like Ethan." Benny shook his head as he flipped through one of the books,

"no, he's not. If he was a Seer like Ethan I wouldn't..." He trailed off, not knowing what he was about to say.

"You wouldn't what?" Rory asked, Benny, shook his head,

"it's nothing." As he continued to flip through the books Erica arched an eyebrow then said,

"don't lie to us." Benny paused flipping through the books, then continued as he said,

"I don't know what you're talking about." Erica snarled,

"I can hear your heartbeat Benny, it skips a little bit whenever you lie. Tell us the truth, what were you going to say?" Ethan crossed his arms and looked concerned, Rory, as oblivious as ever, continued to stuff his mouth with marshmallows. Benny ignored her and continued to flip through the book, as he entered the Dark Creature section Ethan placed his hand on Benny's shoulder.

"Benny, stop." For some reason Benny found himself listening to his friend, he stopped looking through the books. "Look at me," when Benny didn't Ethan moved so that he was forced to look his friend in the eyes. "What's going on with you?" Benny took a deep breath,

"there are legends..." Erica frowned,

"what kind of legends?" Benny hesitated then replied with an honest answer, there was no point in lying anyway.

"Most of them are extinct, they're supposed to be anyway." Sara rolled her eyes then exclaimed,

"just tell us already!" Benny flipped one more page into the book he was looking at, the page about Psychics.

"I think Henry's a Psychic." Ethan frowned,

"like me?" Benny shook his head then said,

"no, not like you. Seers have no control over what they see or when they see their visions. Not to mention, seeing into the future is the only power that you have. Psychics on the other hand... they're creatures of evil, darkness. The legend goes that the original Psychic was Merlin's apprentice, but he insisted on using dark and forbidden magic. Once he was too far gone the dark path he wasn't anywhere close to being human. Merlin declared him to be cast into the Dark World along with all other evil creatures, including vampires." He paused then Erica asked,

"if the original Psychic was outcasted, how can Henry be one?" Benny sighed then turned the page, continuing to read the lore.

"I'm getting to that Erica. See, before Merlin was able to lock him up, the original Psychic, Tenerbis, cast a curse on over forty families and declared that the eldest male heir of each family will continue with his work." Ethan frowned,

"wouldn't we have heard about these so-called Psychics before Henry?" Benny chuckled,

"we have. People have either been locked up, or locked themselves up in state penitentiaries, psychiatric wards, and thousands of other establishments to avoid what was to come." Sara snarled,

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