I'm Still Thinking Of A Title

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Halfway through the first day of school and Henry was both mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted. It turned out he was just as much of a target for bullies in Whitechapel as he was in Swellview. When the lunch bell rang he went straight to his locker, grabbed Psychics and Spellmasters, then he walked through the school to look for a quiet place to read. He ended up finding this little alcove area near a stairwell that led up to the second floor of the school. The ex-sidekick took out his phone to shoot Benny a text to say he was in the library then he cracked the book open again.

There weren't any dramatic gusts of wind this time, but the book did fall open to a page in one of the parts evolving Psychics. Henry noticed a note someone wrote in and began to read the chicken scratch whoever wrote it called handwriting.

Note: In pre-mature training, Psychics are prone to explain nightmares in more depth. Usually about whatever form their personal fear takes. Most of them claim their fear takes the form of a man being burned alive from head to toe.

Henry frowned then his phone started to ring. He went to answer it, but before he could it was snatched out of his hand. "Hey!" He protested ready for a fight, instead, he just saw two buffy-looking teens standing in front of him. "What's the big idea huh?"

"Spellmaster, the council wishes to speak with you." One of the two men spoke in a monotone voice.

"No!" Henry heard Benny yell as the two guys' teeth turned into fangs.

"What the actual hell?" Henry asked, not expecting an answer. Instead of responding Benny quickly muttered something under his breath and the two vampires became bats.

"Are you okay?" Benny asked Henry, the blonde in turn nodded,

"I'm fine, they didn't have a chance to touch me. Who the hell were they?" Henry saw Benny, Sarah, and Ethan a look that was all too familiar before Benny sighed,

"I was hoping you wouldn't be wrapped up in this but I guess it's too late to turn back now... Vampires are real, Sarah's one actually. I'm a Spellmaster, and Ethan here's a Seer." Henry widened his eyes in surprise,

"Those names are all inside this book!" He exclaimed pulling the book out from under his bag. Ethan frowned,

"How can you tell? It's all in Latin." Now Henry was confused,

"It's written in English, I swear it! Look, the title of the book at least. Psychics and Spellmasters, right on the cover!" Sarah shook her head,

"The boys are right Henry, even I can't make out what it is." The teen in question wondered,

"How can I read Latin?! I failed Spanish class back in Swellview, and that was the easiest language they offered!" Well, technically he failed but he used Schwoz's intelligence cap to help him learn about Spanish culture. Henry figured he couldn't tell his cousin that without revealing his big secret.

"You are a Psychic." An old woman said behind them, Henry whipped around ready for a fight, but instead saw Benny's grandmother. "Latin is the language in which all languages root from. Psychics are wired to read Latin so they can read enchantments and spells to assist their Spellmaster." Benny frowned then asked,

"why haven't you told us about him before?" As the three teens began to question the old woman Henry's head began to hurt so he sat down, leaned back and closed his eyes.

"Good, you're alone. I figured that Sara's vampire-hunter boyfriend would tag along." Henry frowned at the word vampire, then he remembered his first vision.

"You're a vampire?" He asked, in response, the man barred his teeth showing off his pearly white fangs.

"My name is Jesse, I'm one of your cousin's... acquaintances." Henry figured he chose the term acquaintance for a reason then said,

"alright Jesse, if you are one of my cousin's partners-in-crime why did you send those vampires after me?" Jesse chuckled. "What's so funny?" Henry asked the vampire spoke,

"I didn't send those bloodsuckers after you. The council did, and they shouldn't have even known that you existed. It was just by luck that your sent is so similar to Benny's that they thought you were him." The ex-superhero sat down and a chair appeared underneath him so he wouldn't fall.

"Look, Jesse, whatever you do you aren't going to hurt my family and you aren't going to hurt Whitechapel, got it?" For some reason this made Jesse laugh again,

"I wish the Spellmaster was as funny as you are Psychic. I'm not the villain this time, the one you're looking for calls himself Tenerbis." Henry felt the vision grow cold, it seemed like even the sun dimmed darker.

"Darkness..." Henry whispered the translation. Jesse nodded grimly,

"look, it's obvious you've must've been in some shit back in Swellview. You can defeat Tenerbis, I believe in you Henry, you should believe in yourself." Jesse's figure started to flicker like static on a tv station.

"Jesse, what's wrong?" The vampire shook his head,

"I have to go, you're waking up. Remember what I said, find Tenerbis." With that Jesse's dream form disappeared from Henry's vision.

"Should I slap him?" A voice Henry didn't recognize asked, the response was nonverbal. The blonde groaned then sat up on the bed he was currently laid out on.

"Where am I?" He asked, the blond he didn't know, answered him,

"In Benny's room. What happened?" Henry sighed,

"Not-" Benny cut him off,

"if you say nothing I'm going to slap you." When Henry hesitated Benny tried a different tatic. "Henry, you're family. Nothing is more important to me than my family, you, your sister, even these idiots over here," he said as he gestured to the two boys.

"Hey, who you calling idiots idiot?!" The blond protested, Benny just rolled his eyes and continued.

"if someone tries to hurt my family I'll give them a fight from Hell itself, you hear me?" He placed his hand on Henry's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him, but Henry shrugged his cousin off.

"I'm fine Benny, honest." He lied hoping his cousin would believe him. Benny nodded then Henry left the bedroom. As he was walking downstairs his phone pinged giving him a news notification from Swellview. The headline read; Another showstopping save thanks to Captain Man and Kid Danger 2.0. Henry sighed then clicked on the link, the article went on about how the superhero duo stopped a fire from spreading throughout one of the more well-known movie theaters.

"Everything okay?" He jumped then turned around in surprise, Benny's grandma was standing up, leaning into her cane.

"Uh huh." He answered reaching behind him for the doorknob, "I have to go." Before he could turn around; however, Grandma Weir reached out and grabbed his wrist.

"This is your calling, don't ignore it." Henry nodded seriously then she relaxed her grip, when he was free he left the house.

While he was walking down the street Henry tried to get all of his facts in order.

One: He was Psychic.

Two: His cousin was a Spellmaster and Ethan was a Seer.

Three: Vampires existed and his cousin stupidly befriended a group of them.

Four: He misses the days were things where the only people he had to fight were Jeff and the Toddler.

Henry turned the corner onto his street then heard the sound of footsteps following him.


Tenerbis - Darkness


Sorry for the short and weird and short chapter. I don't really have a clue where the plot was going.


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