Back Where It All Began

222 4 3

Rated T-M

Word Count: 1077

No Ships

Trigger warnings are always implied read at your own risk!

Throughout the next couple of months, between training with Benny and his friends, school, and still trying to keep in contact with his friends Henry found himself collapsing on his bed after school the first day of winter break. Sighing he ran his hand through his hair then he turned over and pulled out the box containing Psychics and Spellmasters. He pulled out the ancient text and began to leaf lightly through the pages, skimming over facts about vampires, werewolves, and everything in between. While he was trying to get used to being a Psychic, of course not telling his parents (he did end up telling Piper when she was caught by a werewolf pack and turned into one of them), a new girl appeared at school one month after Henry moved into town. His friends found her untrustworthy, but Henry couldn't find a reason to not trust Jade Wile. They quickly got used to the new addition to their group of misfits soon enough. "Henry, is everything okay?" Piper asked from the door, he shut the book with a snap and put it back into the spot where it belonged.

"Yeah Pipes, everything's great." He said changing his position into criss-crossing his legs so she could sit on the end of his bed. She frowned,

"you miss home." Henry chuckled then said,

"you always were the one who knew me the best." She shook her head,

"no you're always missing home, we both are..." The blond frowned, mimiking his little sister's expression,

"I'm sensing a but." The younger of the two nodded then said,

"You're missing home more than usual." Henry simply sighed then leaned his head against the wall.

"Can you blame me?" He asked her rhetorically, "I mean, I just want - I wish everything was normal. No vampires, no werewolves or Spellmasters. Just me being Kid Danger fighting completely human enemies." Piper gave him a squeeze,

"everything will be fine, I promise. Tenerbis won't turn you, and you and Benny will destroy him." Henry looked surprised,

"those are some dangerous words from eleven-year-old." Piper scoffed then crossed her arms,

"I'm twelve, not eleven." Henry laughed a good honest laugh, then hugged her back.

"Thanks, Pipes." She nodded then gasped,

"you should pear-talk them!" The teen shook his head,

"not today little sister." She growled then barred her teeth,

"today." Henry didn't flinch at the sight of her fangs, instead, he glanced at his computer then sighed,

"fine. I'll pear-talk them, just don't chew up my shoes." She threw a pillow at him as he crossed his room. He heard her close the door when he hit the call button next to Jasper's contact number.

"Hey Hen, what's up?" Jasper asked after accepting the call. The ex-sidekick hesitated then said,

"nothing much, just homesick." His friend nodded,

"I know what you mean. Hey, why don't you drive over for a visit? Ray for sure would love to see you, he's just too much of a man to admit it." Henry chuckled,

"sounds like Ray." Jasper kept looking past the camera at something, "what's going on?" The new Kid Danger flinched at the question then said,

"oh you know, nothing much. There's this new villain rearing his ugly head and we can't find a way to keep him in the cuffs long enough to arrest him." The blond frowned,

"what do you mean?" Jasper shrugged,

"he just disappears, like, we turn our backs and he's melted into the shadows or something." Henry gasped then dove across the room to grab his book. "What is it?" Ignoring his friend's question and tore through the pages looking for a specific monster when finally, he reached the page he was looking for.

Shadow Walkers:

These creatures normally travel in groups, but similar to werewolves, cannot act without commands from a leader. Where there is one there are more, be careful as if you capture one the rest will not try to rescue him. Instead, they'll try to kill you. The only way to kill a Shadow Walker is with light magic, performed by an experienced Psychic. The incantation is, unde essent tenebris caliginis fugam.

Henry then bookmarked the page and turned back to his phone screen, "turns out I can come over this weekend. I'll be there in a ten hours." He hung up the phone before Jasper was able to say anything then he turned on the group chat that he and his friends set up.

Henry: I'm leaving town for a few days, Swellview needs my help.

Benny: What's going on?

Henry: Shadow Walker, at least I think it's one from what my friend told me.

Ethan: When will you be back?

Henry: Three days max.

Jade: Please tell me you'll be safe.

Henry: Yes mom. I'm bringing my assorted knives, no need to worry.

Erica: Why am I even in a group chat with you losers?

Rory: Cause were the only people you talk to.

Henry: I have to pack, see you in three days.

Benny: Before you log off, Grandma wanted to tell you that the first time a Psychic is away from their Spellmaster our powers will fluctuate. Be careful you dont over use them.

Henry: ;) Its just a simple castaway spell, no biggie.

Smiling at his friend's continued banter he put his phone on his desk then threw a couple of his usual outfits into a black duffle bag. As promised he grabbed his assorted collection of his ferrums, or blades rolled them up and slipped it into his bag as well.  He then grabbed his computer, his computer charger, and his phone. For a final touch he placed Psychics and Spellmasters on top of his Peartop before zipping up the bag. He slung it over his right shoulder, took one last sweep around his room then turned off the light and shut the door.

Don't ask him how, but he managed to convince his parents to allow him to drive the car for ten hours straight to his home city. When the Swelllview sign appeared on the horizon Henry's only thought was, finally, I'm back.


Not the longest chapter but at least it's out there. What do you think will happen in the next one? Stay tuned!


Translations as found on Google Translate:

Tenerbis: Darkness

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