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Rated T-M

Word Count: 1260

Trigger warnings are always applied read at your own risk!

Note: I forgot to mention this before, but in this fic, Sara is still technically a fledgling and Ethan getting bit during the Dusk movie thing never happened. Chapter title is taken from Stronger by the Score. Also, this is officially the tenth chapter in this fic. 

And so long after Tenebris was defeated, Merlin decreed a prophecy, one so ancient the Spellmasters have forgotten.

After his cousin was finished explaining all that has happened within the last four weeks, Henry stared at his friend in disbelief and apologized, "I'm sorry," he said, his friend looked up in surprise,

"sorry for what?" The current Kid Danger asked Henry answered,

"making you the next side-kick. If I had known you'd be put through so much shit I'd never even think about asking you to do the job." Jasper chuckled then hugged Henry and the blond couldn't help but flinch, it was the first real hug he'd received in so long.

"It's okay Henry, besides, if I didn't become Kid Danger then someone else would've had to. I'm glad it was me and not someone new who we brought into the mix." Henry nodded finding himself agreeing with his friend. Suddenly the elevator doors dinged open and Jade, Ethan, and Sara entered the Man Cave.

"Yes!" Ethan shouted in happiness when he saw Henry standing, the Seer engulfed Henry with a hug. Henry returned the hugs his friends gave him then turned to Jade and a scrawny-looking teen he didn't recognize,

"I know you're a Warrior." The girl shook her head,

"not anymore, my brother and I, we're both Militibus frustra, Fallen Warriors. It's what happens to a member of Tenebris's army when the turn sides. We lose everything and we have to learn to survive." She then gestured to Benny, "thankfully the Spellmaster has given us second chances and we've been able to prove our worth." Henry nodded then turned his attention to the map showing the densities of the supernatural population in America.

"I'm assuming the different colors symbolize which areas are the weakest supernatural-wise to strongest via green to red?" Ray nodded then Henry crossed his arms as he continued to stare at the map, "who did we have stationed in Hiddenville?" Benny winced,

"His name was Kyle, a wolf from Piper's pack, he died when a Te Deum umbra stole his shadow and shot him with a silver covered bullet." Henry frowned,

"Piper has a pack now?" Jade nodded then pointed to the Whitechapel sector on the map,

"the Hart Pack runs Whitechapel through some neighboring cities, but there's only seven of them and being the alpha Piper needs all the help she can get." The ex-Kid Danger asked,

"what about my parents?" Ray finally spoke for the first time since Henry's been awake,

"safe, I have them hooked up with one of my superhero contacts at the Superhero Leauge." Henry hugged the superhero with thanks, it was common knowledge that even though he was a superhero Captain Man hated partnering with the league.

"We need to make a plan," Henry said after a few minutes of silence his friends agreed and they began drawing up a plan for the inevitable war. After a good three hours into re-loading the armory, regrouping with everyone else, and making backup plans for their backup plans Ethan fell to one knee grabbing his ears as if the room was too loud.

"una electa ut sol et psychicae;

duo, O videns, in sanguine natus,

tria, Spellmaster vitae mortisque postremo uns de lapsis,

im lucem denuo nasci."

Ethan's eyes turned pure white as he whipped his head up and screamed when he was done his body fell to the floor. "Well," Ray said helping Ethan up again once the Seer regained consciousness, "that was dramatic." Henry's eyes widened when he realized what Ethan said,

"one, a psychic as bright as the sun,

two, a seer born through blood,

three, a Spellmaster through life and death,

and finally, one of the fallen reborn through the light." Jade frowned,

"since when do Seers pronounce prophecies?" Ethan shook his head,

"we don't. That's the Psychic's job." Henry frowned as Jade continued to frown deeper,

"so why didn't I say it?" Ethan groaned then grabbed his head again,

"be happy you didn't say it man, the headache is a killer." Jasper wrote the translated version of the prophecy on a whiteboard then said,

"well, it's obvious who the prophecy is about." Ray nodded,

"yeah. I mean, Psychic, Seer, Spellmaster, and Fallen? We got each of them in the same room." Jade smirked,

"Merlin was off his marbles when he came up with this prophecy." Benny chuckled slightly then said,

"maybe it means we're the ones who're supposed to defeat Tenebris." Henry nodded, agreeing with his cousin,

"we are. No one else is going to get hurt in this battle." Henry felt his eyes darken then Ray asked him,

"what really did happen in your head?" Henry hesitated then lied,

"I was in a world of lollipops and unicorns Ray, what do you think happened?" The blond turned his attention back to the map then frowned, Jasper voiced his confusion,

"they're all centered around Swellview." Henry narrowed his eyes,

"Tenebris thinks he's going to win because he was able to get inside my head, but he was inside my head so he knows he'll lose. I want Jade and Ethan to cover the entrances and exits into the city, Jade cover the Jandy Bridge. Your use of light and dark magic will be helpful in creating wards and blocking out the Darkness." He then turned to her little brother and said, "you need to stay by your sister's side and listen to her. This is a war, I don't want any more casualties then necessary, got it? Make sure you get as many civilians evacuated out of the city or get them underground by the time the fighting starts." Henry's friends nodded then left to their posts. Jasper asked him,

"Where do you want us?" As the brown-haired teen gestured to himself and Ray. Henry answered,

"Just take out as many of these demons that you can, got it? No exceptions." Jasper and Ray nodded then Jasper left the room leaving only Ray, Henry, Benny, and Charlotte in the Man Cave. "Where did the vampires go?" Benny hesitated, but told him anyway,

"After you were well... catatonic, the Council decided this war was one they didn't have to fight in." Henry scoffed,

"Of course they did. The Council cares for no one except their own." Charlotte grabbed his hand surprising both of them,

"Stay safe Hen, I know I'm running coms cause well, let's face it. I cant fight someone to save my life, but try to make it back in one piece okay?" The two embraced in a hug then suddenly the entire map flashed red. Henry narrowed his eyes as he felt the world darken,

"If Tenebris wants a war, then he's going to get a a war." Now that Henry was back he and his friends are stronger and more powerful than ever.

Tenebris won't know what hit him.

Translations as found on Google Translate:

Militbus frusta: Warriors in vain

Tenebris: Darkness

Te Deum umbra: Shadow Monster


Mwahahaha I love cliffhangers. This chapter is dedicated to meadow119 for creating the amazing cover I'm currently using! The next chapter won't be up until next Sunday so hold onto your safety bars, these next couple of chapters are going to be a wild ride :)


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