Inside a Psychic's Head

186 2 2

Rated: T-M

Word Count: 2341

Note: Just a reminder, Piper's a werewolf cause reasons.

Trigger warnings are always applied, read at your own risk!

Henry woke up inside his home. "Hello?!" He called out, no furniture was there, no books, shelving units, toys or movies.

Just Henry, a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, and a very scary looking ghost-like figure. "Um... mysterious ghost person? Where are we?" The figure simply raised its arm, because yes, apparently dark and scary figures his brain creates has arms. Henry looked to where he was pointing and saw a ghost image of the woman with a mask. The same woman from a few months before.

"Henry," she spoke, her voice was made up of thousands of whispers echoing all around him.

"Who are you?" The girl laughed, but it didn't sound like a laugh, just forced, like she had nothing she could laugh about.

"I'm you." Henry looked surprised,

"I don't think my subconscious would think up a girl version of myself." She laughed again,

"you may call me Futurae." The blond frowned,

"Future." She nodded then pointed to the dark ominous figure that seemed to zap away all things good in Henry's life.

"Praeteritum, he doesn't talk much..." She trailed off. Henry's inner mind translated the word to Past. "And finally..." Futurae looked around then frowned, "Praeteritum, where is Praesenti?" Praeteritum didn't answer, but he (it?) didn't have to instead, a bright light appeared forming into a different version of Henry. "There you are Praesenti! Where the hell have you been? We have to start soon, otherwise -" Praesenti cut her off,

"I know, I know, he'll be taken by Tenebris." Henry scoffed,

"please, I'm not turning into a mindless slave." Suddenly the room felt twenty times darker than before, the lightbulb hanging above Henry's head started to flicker.

"Shush, humans should not speak of him. Speaking of him gives him power for when you do, it's usually in fear of him." Henry shrugged then turned to Praesenti and said,

"can I call you Venti? Your name kind of sounds like Venti." Praesenti's eyes flashed a dangerous deep purple color and suddenly Henry flashed forward and Swellview city was in ruins. Nothing was left, the place was like a wasteland after a chemical bomb exploded and wiped out the entire civilization. In a snap, he was flashed back to his current dream with the three figures of his past, present, and future, in his home.

"Does that seem like something an espresso drink can do?" Henry shook his head, now taking a subconscious step closer to Futurae.

"Does Senti seem better to you?" Praesenti looked pissed off, but before he could do something the room seemed to drop twenty degrees.

"Praeteritum!" Futurae exclaimed, she snapped her fingers and the room returned to its normal temperature. "You know the rules." Praesenti began to argue about how stupid the rules are (whatever the rules were) then they slipped into a different language Henry didn't understand.

"Fine!" Praesenti shouted apparently giving up whatever argument they were having, "let's just get this show on the road shall we?" Futurae rolled her eyes then snapped her fingers and the room swirled, transforming into a throne room. Each... tense? took their own throne, Futurae's was yellow, like the sun. Praesenti's was a deep purple mixed with shades of blue. Praeteritum's on the other hand, was a shade of black that just seemed darker than your average black. It seemed to be radiating darkness and fear.

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