This is the End

156 3 2

Rated: T-M

Word Count:

Trigger warnings are always applied, read at your own risk.

As he made his way to the mountain Henry started to run into all kinds of monsters, the higher he went the harder it was to fight them off. "Evanescet!" Henry shouted the vanishing spell throwing his hand in front of him causing the three vampires trying to surround him to turn into an explosion of light. Once the dust settled he leaned against large stone for a couple of minutes then continued his way. While he was climbing the fortress of Darkness he looked back and saw his city lit on fire. Explosions and fires continued to erupt in a random order throughout the streets of Swellview. Looking over the horizon he could see their neighboring city, Hiddenville was having similar problems.

"What do we have here?" He heard a voice say tauntingly, Henry looked around but couldn't see anything. "The little ball of light burning bright?" The blonde felt a wave of darkness hit him and he stumbled backward, almost falling down a cliff.

"Show yourself!" Henry shouted the voice chuckled then the shadows took up a human shape. He felt hopeless, afraid he wasn't going to be enough to stop Tenebris, afraid he's let his friends down, afraid of everything.

"Hello Light, I am Timor." Henry winced and tried to back up more, but he was being pushed up against the cliff's edge.

"Fear," Henry said, his Psychic powers translating the name for him. Timor chuckled, as he did the sky and the air grew darker.

"I'm everything you hate, everything you hate about yourself that is." Timor grabbed Henry's arm then flung him across the small ledge into the stone wall, Henry felt a rib crack. "The fact that Captain Man got over you, your hair, your life, your job." Each word sent Henry flying in another direction.

"No, please, don't." Timore cackled, it echoed up the mountainside. "I'm sorry," Henry whispered as he curled into a ball, ready and waiting for death. Timore grinned as he pulled out a three-foot double-edged black sword.

"Your death will be as swift as your little sisters will be." Hearing Timore threaten his sister snapped Henry out of the daze he was in. Summoning his golden magic Henry began firing his magic at the evil spirit.

"Never touch my sister." Each blast of magic seemed to make the stars shine brighter in the sky. Timore was nothing but an ant underneath Henry's boot.

"There will always be fear," Timore said Henry summoned his own six-foot blade of light. He knelt down next to Timore's bloody and bruised form. Once he was next to Timore's ear Henry hissed,

"Then there will always be Light." Then he sliced his sword against the evil spirit's throat. When he was sure Fear was gone he put his sword away then continued his climb. On his way up he kept up his fight, beheading vampires and shooting werewolves with silver, but it felt like the monsters were toying with him like something bigger and worse was coming. Henry started his climb again, scraping his knees and elbows on the rocks poking out from the side of the mountain. His foot got hooked on a loose part of the mountain and the support underneath him fell forcing him to grab onto a handheld with both hands. The blond grunted then pulled himself up to the next peak of the mountain, he was almost to the top and no fall was going to stop him. Monsters came and went, trying to attack him but he never let anyone who crossed his path leave alive.

He groaned in pain then lifted up his shirt, his ribs were bruised and he had a long cut going from his forearm all the way up to his elbow. He was pretty sure he had a concussion due to the blood coming from his head when a vampire swung a plank of wood at it. Henry took his knife and cut a part of his pants of to tie around his head in order to stop the bleeding, he wrapped another piece of fabric around his arm to try and put pressure on the wound. Glancing back at his burning city he hoped his family was doing better than he was. "Quinque autem veteres augurium in veteri viribus immolare lucis." He whispered to himself, the second he spoke the enchantment some of his wounds began to heal. "Quinque autem veteres augurium in veteri viribus immolare lucis." He said again beginning to use the enchantment of light as a way to fuel him the rest of the way up the mountain. Ignoring the searing pain in his leg he continued the difficult path up towards Tenebris, he had to end this tonight.

"Ah, look who finally decided to show up!" Tenebris said through the shadows that were dancing around Henry when he made it to the top. Henry braced himself but was still thrown across the mountaintop by Tenebris's army of shadows. 

"Come out and face me like a man!" Henry shouted trying to mask his fear of the entity. Tenebris simply cackled, the sound echoed throughout the night. 

"Oh Henry," Tenebris said tauntingly, "I'm not a man." The Psychic summoned his sword of light than said,

"Sorry Tenerbis, I meant woman." Henry sliced through twenty of Tenebris's shadows and when each one fell the Darkness screamed. "I am the Light and I will win. Ready?" He asked his friends through the radio unit,

"Ready." Benny said responding first, when all his friends confirmed they were in position instead of pointing his sword at Tenebris Henry thrusted the six-foot blade into the air pointing it towards the sky. Tenebris chuckled,

"and what do you think that's going to do to me Psychic? You're mine! I created you, you will join my army!" The shadows charged at Henry, but he gave the signal and his friends began the Enchantment of Light.

"Quinque autem veteres augurium in veteri viribus immolare lucis!" As the book instructed they stood in the form of a five pointed star, from Henry's vantage point he could see lines of light streching from different points in the city, he was one of the points of the star.

"No!" Tenebris shouted in protest, "you will not win, you and your meddling friends will never defeat me!" He screamed as all of his shadows disappeared, the fires stopped burning and the only two people left on the mountain were Henry and Tenebris. Henry leveled his sword at Tenebris's throat then said,

"I'm going to kill you now." With that he pulled the blade back and stabbed the Darkness in the chest. Tenebris let out an ugly ear-bleeding scream as he dissinegrated into the night sky. "It's over," Henry said to his friends through the radio unit, "It's all over."

Translations as found on Google Translate:

Evanescet: Disappear

Timor: Fear

Quinque autem veteres augurium in veteri viribus immolare lucis: We the five sacrifice our powers tot he Old One in this, the enchantment of light.


This may or may not be the last chapter. No promises :)

Hope y'all enjoyed the book.


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