2. Clowns Scare Her, But I Don't.

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16, 25, 4. Lisa recites the numbers in her head as she tries to open her locker. It's the second day and she still can't quite get it.

Jisoo and Irene have been opening it for her. But she was determined not to bother them and try on her own.

16, 25, 4. Do I spin to the left?

A frustrated groan leaves her lips seeing as it doesn't even budge. She hits her head against the locker, Mumbling an, "open, open, open."

"Need any help?" Rosé interrupts with a small giggle.

"Huh?" Lisa turns around. She smiles when she sees Rosé and a small blush covers her cheeks.

"I said need any help?"

"Uhh no I'm cool." Lisa says while leaning against her locker. She wanted to impress Rosé not make herself look like a dweeb.

"Oh So you're just talking to your locker for fun then?" Rosé asks.

"I mean yeah who doesn't like talking to lockers." Lisa smiles. It makes Rosé laugh, and all she wants to do is hear it again.

"You're funny Lisa." Rosé says touching her arm briefly.

"I'm glad someone thinks so. My sisters tell me I'm not." Lisa says.

"Your sisters?"

"Yeah you know Irene and Jisoo?"

"Those are your sisters?" Rosé's eyes widen.

"Yeah. They're older than me by a year. I'm adopted." Lisa nods as she starts walking to her class with Rosé.

"That's kinda cool. I've always liked Jisoo and Irene. They seem nice but I've never had a chance to talk to them." Rosé says.

"Why not?"

"Well we're in different grades I've just never had the chance." She shrugs.

"Ahh I see." Lisa nods.

"So if your sisters went here where did you go?"

"I went to an all girls private school. They offered some courses in Thai and that's where I was born. I wanted to at least have that to myself you know?"

"I can see that." Rosé nods thoughtfully. "Does that mean you're gay?"

"W-what?" Lisa stutter stopping to look at her.

"I don't mean it in like an offensive way. It's just that you went to an all girls school, and I know Seulgi and Irene are together..." Rosé trails off nervously a steady blush crawling up her cheeks.

"Oh well the answer is I don't know actually. I've never dated anyone before so I don't know what I like. I just go with the flow." Lisa shrugs.

She almost says 'I like you' but manages to keep it in.

"Hm good to know." Rosé smiles before taking her seat. The bell cutting them off from any further conversation.


Lisa could feel her heart beating loudly in her chest sitting next to Rosé. It just wouldn't stop, and she knew it wouldn't until she stopped thinking about the older girl.

A group of guys loudly enter the classroom late, interrupting their quiet study.

"Cody, Felix, Chan. Nice of you to show up to class. Take a seat." Mr. R says.

Cody oozed with Australian charm, Lisa could already sense his fuckboy attitude from the moment he walked in. His blonde hair styled perfectly, tanned golden skin, and tall figure. A cocky grin plastered onto his face.

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