10. I Love Her, And She Loves Me.

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"Hey Lisa!" Bobby calls greeting her in the middle of the hall.

"Hey! I haven't seen you in a few days." Lisa smiles giving him a high five.

"Yeah I was pretty sick," he shrugs. "Anyways what's up?"

"Oh not much, it's kinda been a chill week." Lisa says.

"Oh before I forget, you should come over to my house tomorrow night. We're having a video game tourney and I know you'll kick ass. What do you say?" Bobby offers.

"I wish I could Bobby but I can't. I'm taking Rosé out to dinner and I already made reservations." Lisa grimaces.

"It's cool Lis, there's always next time. Don't sweat it." Bobby smiles reassuringly.

"Ah you're the best! I'll make it up to you I promise!" Lisa says.

"No need!" Bobby waves off. "I'll go ask Donghyuk. Later Lisa!"

"See yah!" Lisa waves. She looks down the hall and grins when she sees the familiar light pink hair. Not wasting any time she jogs over. Pinching the tiny waist as a greeting.

"Ah!" Rosé shouts, giggling at the ticklish feeling. "Lisa!" She slaps her arm.

"Hey beautiful," Lisa smiles, snaking an arm around her slim waist.

Rosé rests her arms on her chest and smiles back at her. "You're in a good mood."

"I'm always in a good mood with you, but you know what would make it even better?"


"You. Me. A date. Tomorrow night." Lisa says. "What do you say?"

"I say yes." Rosé smiles. "Where?"

Lisa leans in to kiss the tip of her nose. "I made special reservations. You may know a place called bamboostix?"

Rosé gasps. "No way! That place just opened there is no possible way you could've gotten a reservation on such short notice."

"Not only did I get a reservation, but we're eating VIP private rooftop seating." Lisa grins.

"How?! That place is supposed to be booked up for months!"

"Don't question it, and just tell me I'm the greatest girlfriend ever." Lisa winks.

"Ugh you really are the greatest girlfriend ever." Rosé gushes slipping her arms around Lisa's neck to pull her in for a hug. A quiet squeal escaping her lips. "I can't believe it honestly. You're so amazing I just wanna kiss you!"

"Then do it," Lisa says.

Rosé pulls away from the hug to look into her big full eyes, her smile still stuck on her face.

They've never kissed that way in school. It would be like a big announcement. Sure everyone has noticed that they've gotten close (like really, really fucking close) but they had yet to make it officially exclusive.

"Are you ready for something like that?" Rosé asks, tips of her fingers playing with Lisa's soft baby hairs. It's a habit she's developed.

"I want people to know you're mine." Lisa shrugs. "But I can wait a little longer if you need me too." She smiles softly.

Rosé can feel her heart jump at her words. How could she have met someone so sweet? Someone so selfless and caring?

With those thoughts in mind she pulls Lisa by the nape of her neck until their lips crash together.

Now everyone will know that this sweet caring girls was hers, and only hers.


"Babe are you feeling okay?" Jennie asks Jisoo.

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