14. I'm Her One & Only.

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A/N: I've had no time to write lately cause of school. Sorry if it's a bit rushed.


Monday morning came quickly for the pair and soon they were back at school. Rosé was walking towards her locker when she noticed something odd.

A sticky note was stuck on it. Taking it off she read it.

'Meet me at lunch behind the bleachers.'

Behind the bleachers? Why does Lisa want to have lunch there? Rosé thinks.

The bell rings, signalling the start of lunch, and she heads towards the bleachers nonetheless.


After five minuets of waiting for Lisa she doesn't see her anywhere. Deciding to text her she pulls out her phone.

Where are you?

What do you mean where am I? Where are you?

"What?" Rosé says in confusion.

"You came."

She quickly turns around at the sound of the voice. It definitely wasn't Lisa.

The tears well up in her eyes. Not saying a word she runs over to hug him tightly.

It earns a soft chuckle as he hugs her back. "I've missed you Chae." He says quietly.

He looks just as she remembers, but instead of black hair it's been dyed to blonde.

"What are you doing here?" She manages to say, pulling away from him.

"Eomma told me what happened." Jimin says. "I take it by the bruise on your cheek it didn't go so well."

"Yeah, as soon as I said your name he lost it." Rosé says sadly.

"I'm so sorry Chae." He hugs her again. "He doesn't deserve someone like you in his life anyways."

"I missed you a lot. I thought I'd never see you again." Rosé mumbles into his shoulder.

"I'm moving back to Korea in a month." Jimin says sadly.

"You're leaving? But I just found you again." She frowns.

"I know Dongsaeng, but my dreams are in Korea. Not here." Jimin gives a half hearted smile. "One day we'll meet again."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I found you today didn't I?" He grins.

"Yeah but...can we at least catch up? It's been four years."

"I know Chae. We can have a meal together soon okay? Here's my number. I must be going now." Jimin says handing her a sticky note. "Before I go, where are you staying?"

"At my girlfriend's house. Her name is Lisa." She tells him.

"Good. Stay away from Appa. I don't want him to hurt you again. Take care of yourself okay? I'll call you soon."

"Okay." Rosé nods.

They share a final hug before parting ways.


After meeting with her brother she went to the cafeteria to see Lisa.

"Where were you?" Lisa asks worriedly.

"I had to meet someone. I'll tell you later." She kisses her cheek.

"Mmkay," Lisa shrugs. "So Halloween is coming up, and Bobby said he's gonna have a party. Do you want to come with me?"

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