9. I'm Hers and Shes Mine.

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1 Week Later.

Come Monday morning, they were all back at school. Lisa had been in heaven for the last week, spending every free minute she had with Rosé.

Rosé wasn't much different. You could tell she enjoyed Lisa's company as much as Lisa enjoyed hers. Although there was a part of her that she kept guarded. Since her parents were still away they had no idea of what type of 'Shanangins' as her father would call it, she got up to.

Part of her was afraid of getting too attached to Lisa, in case the girl would be ripped from her grasp by her father.

Although apart of her knows it's already too late. Especially when that heavenly smooth voice fills her ears every morning.

"Hello beautiful."

The way her lips curl up into a smile at the greeting, confirms that it's already much too late to save her from Lisa's charms.

"Hi," Rosé smiles back.

"You look different, I can't quite tell what it is," Lisa taps her chin, eyeing her up and down. "Oh wait don't tell me! You cut your hair! No that's not it, you definitely got taller, or maybe you shaved your eyebrows off?"

"Ha. Ha. very funny." Rosé laughs mockingly. Earning a genuine laugh from Lisa.

Rosé had her hair up in a ponytail, something she didn't do very often, accompanied with her glasses.

She hasn't worn her glasses to school (publicly) since she decided to change her look, after being the sticky note girl. But Lisa was right. She shouldn't have to change for anyone.

"I'm kidding," Lisa smiles pulling her closer by the waist. "You look pretty."

"Thanks," Rosé grins, a light shade of pink covering her cheeks.

"Hey love birds!" Jisoo greets them with a smile. Her hair was up in a ponytail too. Also a rare sight.

"Hi Jisoo Unnie, you look nice. I like your hair like that." Rosé compliments.

"Thanks, I like yours too. It's like ponytail day." Jisoo giggles. "You're not invite Limario." She scrunches her nose up, as she puts an arm around Rosé's shoulders.

Lisa looks unamused at her sister. "Yah where's your other half? Get your hands off what's mine." She moves Jisoo's arm.

"Aish you never did like to share." Jisoo shakes her head. "And if you're talking about Jennie she's dealing with some problem at home with her family." She pouts. "But if you're talking about Joohyunnie. She's with Seulgi."

"When is She not with Seulgi?" Lisa rolls her eyes.

"When are you not with Rosé?" Jisoo shoots.

"When are you not with Jennie?" Lisa fires back.

"Right now." Jisoo sticks out her tongue.

"Okay okay we get it all three of you Kim's are whipped. Now stop bickering." Rosé laughs pushing them apart.  "Lets get to class."


"We need to talk." Jennie demands leaning on the doorframe of her brothers bedroom door.

He scoffs from his position on his bed. "What do you want."

"Why are you being such an ass? Is me dating a girl bothering you that damn much!" Jennie says loudly.

"It's who you're dating. I don't give a crap about what gender they are." He informs. His brown eyes unmoving from the TV in front of him.

"Jisoo? Why do you hate her so much? She's been my best friend since the second grade. You think she's not good enough for me or something?"

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