16. She makes my Reality better than my Dreams.

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A/N: Honestly I could've written this better. But Ball is literally my life rn. (I'll rant about it below.)


The next morning, Rosé was the first to wake. Checking her phone she sees she has a text from her brother asking to meet for breakfast. She agrees before setting her phone away.

Turning on her side she faces Lisa with a sigh. Brushing the hair off of her face. The younger girl was sleeping on her stomach, cheek pressed against the pillow, arms spread eagle wide.

She smiles softly at the sight knowing that she wouldn't mind waking up like this every day.

Leaning forward she kisses Lisa's forehead. It makes her mumble something that Rosé can't quite hear.


"I said stop staring and let me sleep," Lisa mumbles tiredly pulling her closer. Putting her face into Rosé's neck she keeps an arm secure around her waist. "We're sleeping in longer."

"I can't, I have to meet someone." Rosé says.

"Noooo," Lisa whines sleepily. "You have to stay and keep me warm."

"I'm sorry baby but I can't. Trust me if I could I would." Rosé chuckles making no move to get out of bed.

"When will you be back?" Lisa asks finally cracking her eyes open.

"I'll be back after noon I'm sure." Rosé says.

"Mmm Okay." Lisa hums closing her eyes once more.

"But I have to work remember? It's my first day." Rosé smiles.

"Aish I won't even get to see you at all today!" Lisa whines. "Why does everyone keep stealing my Chaeyoungie?!"

"You just love me that much huh?" Rosé smiles turning her head to her.

Lisa opens her eyes. "Yes." She smiles. "How could I not want to spend every minute with you my very own angel from heaven!" She says kissing Chaeyoung's cheeks repeatedly. "My little chipmunk!"

"Hey hey that tickles!" Chaeyoung giggles.

"But you're so damn cute!" Lisa continues.


"Okay okay I'll stop." Lisa smiles pulling her face away to hover over her. "Aish what a sight to wake up to." She winks brushing Chaeyoung's hair away.

It causes a light blush to cover Chaeyoung's cheeks. "I love you like crazy."

"Good. Cause I love you like crazy too." Lisa sighs happily.


"Limario What are you doing?" Jisoo asks walking into the living room.

"Watching TV." Lisa shrugs.

"Upside down?" Jisoo tilts her head.

"It's fun." Lisa smiles at her.

Jisoo shrugs and joins her on the couch, hanging her head upside down off of it.

"Once you get passed the whole blood rush it's fine." Lisa says.

"It is kinda fun," Jisoo giggles her face turning pink.

"All the news reporters look stupid," Lisa laughs making Jisoo laugh too.

"No you guys look stupid." Irene chuckles walking into the living room.

"Come join us Unnie!" Lisa says.

"No way, and stop doing that before you pass out." Irene laughs sitting down normally on the couch next to them.

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