Bonus: The Best Kind of Crazy.

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"On a scale of one to ten how much does it hurt?" Lisa asks gently while wiping her wife's forehead with a cooling cloth.

"ONE FUCKING HUNDRED!" Chaeyoung screams as another contraction hits her.

"Here honey hold my hand," Lisa offers.

"AH NO!" Sandara stops her. "Do not do that. Too many people break their hands doing that. Here sweetie squeeze this instead." She offers Chaeng a stress ball.

Sandara was accompanying the couple while Chaeyoung was in labour since she knew what giving birth was all about and Lisa had been freaking the fuck out to say the least.

In fact it went a little like this....

Not even two hours ago.

"MOM! MOM! MOM! Help me! I don't know what to do? She's hurting and she's screaming and the bed sheets are wet and I thought I peed my pants but it turns out I didn't and so I asked her if she peed her pants and she said she didn't. I called jisoo Unnie and she didn't pick up and Irene Unnie said that she was on her way and I don't know what's going on or what to do. Do I call an ambulance? Do I drive her myself? What do I bring?! Do we go to the hospital? I'm so lost and I feel like everything I learned in Lamaze class has left my brain and and and-MOMMY HELP ME!!!" Lisa cries over the phone.


And thank the lord and saviour Mama Sandara scooted her but down to the hospital and worked her mother magic.

"Chaeyoung sweetie. Listen to eomma for a second. Take a deep calming breath with me." Sandara takes Chaeyoung's hands in hers. "One two three in....and out....good sweetie just like that." She nods approvingly as Chaeyoung starts to calm down.

There's a sheen of sweat covering her forehead, her messy bun atop her head as a few loose strands stuck to her face.

"I know it hurts honey, and I'm not gonna lie this shit is about to get worse. But when it's all done and finished you are going to have a beautiful baby girl in your arms and it will all be worth it." Sandara says.  "Lisa honey, get some ice chips for her."

"Yes mam," Lisa salutes before running out the door to the nurses station. "Lady, my wife is about to give birth and I need ice chips right now before my mother chops my head off." She demands.

Back in the room Sandara did her best to keep Chaeyoung as calm as she could while she tried to work through the pain.

Lisa came back with a cup full of ice chips for Chaeyoung. She waited anxiously on Chaeyoung's hand and foot as they waited for her to be completely dilated.

After a few more hours of excruciating contractions Irene informed them that it was finally time.

"Alright Chae, Honey I'm gonna need you to give me one big push okay. Think you can do that for me?" Irene says from behind her mask.

Chaeyoung nods holding tightly onto Lisa's hand.

"You got this baby, you're doing so good." Lisa says while kissing her head.

"Okay, on three give me one big push," Irene instructs. "One...two...three, push honey push. You can do it. Give me all you got!"

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