7. She's The Answer to All My Questions.

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A/N: I accidentally made all my characters gay. Whoopsies


"Alright ladies, I have a very special surprise for you." Sandara says excitedly.

"Is it chicken?" Jisoo asks.

"Please tell me it's not." Irene crosses her arms.

"It's not." Sandara says making the excitement fade from Jisoo's demeanour.

"Well that's boring."

"I promise it's not boring. Here put these on." Sandara hands them blindfolds.

"Oh god mom finally got tired of our crap and now she's gonna kill us all." Irene laughs.

"Oh be quiet you." Dara scolds with a chuckle.

She leads them carefully out of the car until they're safely on the sidewalk standing in front of her big surprise.

"TA-DA!! Open your eyes!" Dara squeals.

The three of them remove their blindfolds to gape at the building before them.

'Bamboostix🥢' The elegant sign read. The large restaurant was full of people excitedly chatting and eating.



"God." Lisa finishes. All three of them with wide eyes.

"Welcome to the grand opening of my new restaurant." Sandara says proudly.

The three girls crush their mother in a hug with a few squeals Of excitement.

"Eomma this is amazing wow!" Irene says.

"You've been hiding that this whole time?" Jisoo says in awe.

"We're so proud of you!" Lisa gushes.

"Thank you Thank you," Sandara giggles as they kiss her cheeks. "I have other news as well but let's wait until dinner."


"Girls. I need to tell you something." Sandara says while setting her chopsticks aside.

"Finally! The suspense is killing me!" Irene claps.

"Well. What's the news?" Jisoo asks.

"I met someone..."

"YOU DID?!" The three girls shout. They were all caught by surprise. Sandara always insisted that she could never be with anyone after their father but they guess the heart wants what it wants.

It's been years since their father passed after all. The girls have been pushing Dara to at least try and meet someone new.

"So? Who is he or is it a She?" Irene asks excitedly.

"It's a She. You were right Joohyun. Men suck." Sandara sighs.

(A/N: No offence my male readers 💓)

"A girl!?" Lisa's eyes widen, clapping her hands in excitement.

"Well her name is Kim Taeyon. She's beautiful, very sweet, and we've been dating for a month now."

"A month!?" They all say loudly.

"Yes a month. I wanted to be really sure things were serious before I even mentioned anything to you guys." Sandara says.

"So how'd you meet?"

"We met at the coffee shop one morning. I was running very late and we bumped into each other. It turns out we were both late for work, now with stains all over her clothes. She offered to go back to her place—"

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