23. She Picks Up The Broken Pieces.

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Christmas Eve•

The weeks passed quickly and before they knew it the holiday season had hit them in full swing. Their popularity had started to grow the last few months as they slowly eased themselves into the entertainment scene. Sandara had preordered nearly a hundred copies of their Debut to give out to everybody she knew.

With the cold season came flus, warm beverages, and inevitably Christmas. Love it or hate it, it was there. The annoying carols, a Santa Clause on every corner, and a mess of red, green and white.

Just like Halloween, Sandara was hardcore obsessed. The girls in the house were going crazy with the amount of holiday spirit their mother possessed. Irene especially.

Luckily, Lisa and Jisoo had convinced their older sister not to tie their mother up with Christmas lights for play nonstop Micheal Bublé Christmas songs, claiming she'd enjoy it too much.

The day had just trickled into the early hours of Christmas Eve, 1 am to be exact. The house smelled of apple cinnamon, a toasty warmth surrounded the living room, and a large beautifully decorated Christmas tree lit up proudly.

They had spent all day looking for the perfect tree before decorating it as a family. Chaeyoung remembers Lisa's and Jennie's whining as they untangled the Christmas lights. The way Jisoo ran around with mistletoe making everyone kiss. Accompanied by Irene scolding her mom for dropping an ornament, like she was the parent.

A number of perfectly wrapped presents laid beneath the tree. Chaeyoung smiles softly at them. It made her think about how lucky she was to be apart of this family. One so warm and caring it made her heart swell.

Her own mother was in Korea for Christmas to see extended family, and Jimin of course. She knew Chaeyoung would want to spend Christmas with Lisa rather than away in SK, and she was right.

Despite how late it was Chaeyoung couldn't quite sleep. Maybe it was the excitement of Christmas that was getting to her. Taking a seat on the piano bench in the corner of the room, she runs her fingers over the keys curiously. She hasn't played the piano in a long time. Years even. She wonders if she even remembers how.

Lightly pressing onto a key, the note rings through her ears with familiarity. It makes her grin softly before she's bringing both hands up to the keys.

Quietly she plays a chord. Like a wave, her muscle memory kicks in and her fingers are moving to the keys on her own. There's a feeling of contentment as she plays smoothly along the piano. She missed the feeling, along with the sound.

Naturally she wants to sing along. Like she can't play without singing. Slowing down her chords it doesn't take long for her to remember what song she loved to play before.

"Wise men say, only fools rush in..."

Her voice is light and airy, not wanting to be too loud and wake everyone up.

"But I can't help falling in love with you."

Meanwhile Lisa was leaning against the entrance of the living room. A soft smile on her face as she silently listened to the angelic voice. Chaeyoung was oblivious to her presence, and Lisa was glad because it meant she wouldn't miss this.

She had come down in search of Chaeyoung to make sure she was okay, since she wasn't in bed. The second she heard the piano she knew she shouldn't interrupt.

Leaning the side of her head against the door frame she observes the older girl. Her light chestnut hair flowing over her back and over a part of her face as she looked down at the piano keys. The soft smile plastered on her face as she recalled the song she once thought she had forgotten. And her voice. Dear god her voice.

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