Chapter Twelve

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"B-Brooklyn?" She was passed out, so I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the car. I really wish I had my car because I had blankets in the trunk but I doubt this rental did. Although, if they had a first aid kit in the trunk, they might have blankets. I went to the back and lifted the trunk, thanking God when I saw a bundle of blankets. I grabbed them and closed the trunk, jumping back into the car and shutting my door. I took off the soaking wet blanket and wrapped Brooklyn up in the dry blankets. I had to get her back to the hotel to warm her up, she's was shivering.

I sped back to the hotel and parked in the parking deck. Brooklyn hadn't moved much so I quickly got her out and carried her to the elevator which I took up to my floor. Some people gave me weird looks but I didn't care. I took out my gold card and swiped it in my door, unlocking it and walking in.

"What the-"

"Ty, go run a hot bath, will you?" I asked him.

"But what-"

"Just do it, I'll explain later." I blurted out. He shrugged his shoulders and walked off to my bathroom in the master bedroom, whistling a song.

I carried Brooklyn into my room and laid her on the bed, taking off her clothes. I felt kinda bad because I had wanted to see Brooklyn like this when she willingly did it, not because I had to give her a hot bath. But she needed it. I covered her again when I saw Tyga coming out, I didn't want him to see her. After I put her clothes in the dryer, I took her to the bathroom and closed the door behind me, walking over to the tub. I was surprised she hadn't woken up the but she was still cold as ice so I sat her down in the water. While bathing her, I realized I was admiring her body, she was so beautiful.

When I finished, I went and got her bra and underwear out the dryer to put on her and just put one of my large t-shirts on her to sleep in. After tucking her in, Tyga walked in and stood against the wall.

"She's very pretty." He said.

"Yeah, I know. It's late, let's get some sleep." I said, hinting for him to get out. He mumbled something and walked out, going to his own room and I closed the door behind him. Brooke looked so peaceful sleeping so I crawled in next to her, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her closer to me. She smelled sweet, like peaches and I kissed her shoulder softly. I cut off the light and laid there with her, letting sleep take over.


Mm, this bed felt so soft, I didn't want to wake up from this dream. When I opened my eyes, the sun was shining through the window and the room had a light orange glow, was this real? I felt the white comforter between my fingers, it felt so real. And that's when I saw it. An arm covered in tattoos was draped over my waist, holding onto me. Where was I? I turned around a little bit and saw someone that I thought I'd never see again. It was Chris and he was sound asleep. How had I gotten here? And what had happened last night?

"C-Chris?" I slightly shook him. When he didn't wake up, I just turned all the way over and faced him, placing my hands on his bare chest. It was quiet, and nice, I wanted to savor the moment. I traced his tattoos, something I never dreamed of ever doing. He was so warm, I snuggled in close to him because I had this weird chill.

"Brooklyn?" Chris mumbled, opening his eyes slightly.

"Hi." I whispered. I leaned up and met his eyes.

"You feel better?" He asked me, yawning afterwards.

"I'm a little cold but I feel fine. What are you doing here? How am I here?"

"I came back to New York for you, Brooklyn, I-I can't live without you. I love you so much, so I came back here to try again. To try and win you over." I looked at him, tears filling my eyes.

"You don't want me...Chris, I lost everything. My dad's company went under and I have nothing now, nothing to my name."

"I know. May told me and I don't care. I love you for you and I still want you to come to Cali with me. I need you with me, Brooklyn." I sat up and stared at him, feeling happy for the first time in a long time. Chris was here for me because he loved me. And I loved him. More than anything.

"Okay." I whispered. He sat up and leaned in closer to me, smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"O-okay?" He looked so hopeful and I smiled.

"Okay Chris, I'll go to Cali with you." He instantly pulled me to his chest and hugged me, I could tell how happy he was. But then he sat back looked at me.

We sat in silence, gazing at each other. We were so close I could feel the heat of his body warm mine, could hear the soft whisper of his breath as he exhaled. I inched closer, and felt his hand encircle mine. I looked at him, his soft brown eyes already locked onto mine. He ran his fingertips up my forearm, leaving a trail of goosebumps blooming in their wake. He brought his hand up to cup my cheek, his thumb running along the curve of my cheekbone. I nestled into his hand, feeling his warmth seep into mine. Chris leaned in, lips parting slightly, his eyes flitting down to rest on mine. His kiss was soft, but urgent. I loved the feeling of his soft full lips against mine, sending my mind and body into pure bliss. Our first kiss was amazing...and I knew that moment would stay with me forever.

"I love much." He whispered when he pulled away.

"I love you too." He pressed his forehead to mine, smiling like he was the happiest guy in the world.

"Breakfast is here!" Someone yelled, knocking on the door in a rhythmic sequence. I jumped at the sound and Chris fell back on the bed.

"Okay!" He called back.

"Who's that? Someone else is here?" I asked him.

"Make that 3. My two body guards Terry and Pat and my best friend Tyga." My eyes widened and I grabbed onto his arm.

"T-Tyga? The Tyga? You mean the rapper?" I was in shock.

"Yeah, that guy. Come on, and put these shorts on, Ty can be a bit of a pervert when a pretty girl is around. He stood up and tossed me the shorts while he pulled some of his black pyramid sweatpants.

"Can I have a red pair of those? They had sold out online." I said.

"Of course. Come on." I stood up and walked over to Chris, clinging to his arm.

"Someone is scared." He teased. He took the arm I was clinging to and slipped it around my waist. He opened the door and we walked out, coming upon a table full of waffles, eggs, bacon sausages and everything else you could think to have at breakfast. Someone whistled and I saw Tyga sprawled out on the couch, staring at me.

"Mm, you're even more gorgeous when you're awake." He complimented, hopping up from the couch and causing me to blush. "Isn't she Chris?"

"Mm hm, yeah and you stay your horny ass over there." Chris said.

"Don't worry, I won't touch her." Chris rolled his eyes and when he looked away, Ty winked at me.

"But Chris, you take her into that house with the guys, whew, I'm not helping you."

"I'll have it taken care of."

"If you say so."

I guess my new life in L.A was going to be one hell of a ride. I hope I liked it.

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