Chapter Two

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I quickly worked my fingers across the keyboard, typing chapter eleven of my story as fast as I could. My new fan had begged me to update this morning when I got up so I started typing, not even getting myself something to eat which was a bad idea. My stomach kept growling loudly but I vowed I wouldn't get up until I had finished. I didn't want to disappoint my new fan, I just got him or her yesterday. I couldn't tell if it was a guy or a girl because the username was manly but their messages were kinda girly and I don't think a guy would be reading a Chris Brown fan fiction anyway. Still, there was a possibility that it was a guy.  

When I typed my last period of the chapter, I quickly scrolled up and looked for any typos. I fixed the ones I saw and once I thought it was acceptable, I clicked on publish. Finally, I had done it. Maybe I should start chapter twelve just to make him or her happy when they ask for the next chapter. But I'm starving so food comes first. I jumped out of my seat and ran out my room, hurrying down the steps as fast as I could. Dad was in the kitchen, very engrossed in a conversation he was having to even notice me so I just grabbed the bag of bagels and got the cream cheese from the fridge. I loved bagels, they were quick and easy and very filling. To me at least. I made two of them and put the bagels back before putting my two in a napkin and racing back upstairs to see if my new fan had messaged me. Sure enough, as soon as I sat myself back down in my seat, a number popped up next to my username, signaling I had a message. I clicked on it and waited for it to open.  

"It's sooo good, I need more! TT-TT please tell you me you're typing." It read from DopeGame_14. I smiled and sat my bagels down as I started to respond.  

"Let me finish my bagels and I'll start chapter twelve, I promise :)" I hit send and took another bite out my bagel, not caring that I probably had cream cheese on the side of my face, I could feel it. I waited a minute and another message appeared quickly.  

"Mm, a bagel sounds so good right about now. But I think that's because I'm starving, I just woke up and all I could think about was your story :D" They replied. I smiled and quickly realized I was actually blushing, I could feel my face heating up by the second. Why the hell was I blushing, I didn't even know this person! But their comment to my story just made me happy.  

"Awe, thanks, that means a lot to me. And if you don't mind me asking, are you a girl? Or a guy? I can't tell. You don't have to answer though if you don't want to." My finger hovered over the send button, I hope that didn't sound creepy, I was just wondering. But I hit send anyway and chomped down on my next bagel, smacking my lips loudly. The next message came in and I hesitated to read it.  

"Hehe, you can't see through my disguise :P lol, jk, I'm a guy. And before you say it, NO, IM NOT GAY. I just like your story, that's all. ^_^" I burst out laughing at his "not gay" comment and nearly fell out of my chair. Once I gathered myself together, I started to reply.  

"I wasn't gonna say that you were! Even though I find it odd for a guy to be reading a Chris Brown fan fiction. Unless you're a fan. I don't meet many guy Chris Brown fans, and if you're one, that's great! Finally, I have someone else to talk to about him besides my best friend. She likes him to but not as much as me. I LOVE him. That's not creepy, is it?" I clicked on send, not even reading over my message. I hope I didn't creep him out and make him stop talking to me. He seemed like a cool guy. He messaged me back immediately. My eyes darted back and forth, taking in every word. 

"No, that's not creepy at all. I guess you could say I'm a "fan" I do like his music XD but this is my first time using wattpad, my friend told me about it and I just happen to run across your story. Your cover was what caught my eye, I really like it, I've been meaning to tell you that." It read. That goofy smile appeared on my face yet again and I typed another message.  

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