Chapter Nine

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"You guys! Stop it!" A security guard pulled me out of the way and they dived at Kyle and Chris, struggling to break them up. Chris got Kyle in the gut hard enough to make him double over and the guards grabbed them both, instantly pulling them away from each other. Kyle looked at me, pleading with his eyes for me to run to him but I was so angry with him at the moment, Chris was the one I went to.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry." I said, helping him sit down in a chair.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. He punches like a girl." Even though I shouldn't have, I laughed a little at the comment. One of the security guards handed me a handkerchief and I pressed it to Chris's bloody nose, making him groan in pain.

"I sorry but I'm going to have to ask both of you to leave. Separately." Principal Watley said. She had appeared out of nowhere. "And Mr. Landon, you leave first."

"Why should I?! That ass should leave first! You son of a-"

"Kyle!" I snapped. "Just go. Get out of here, take the limo."

"That's your ride too."

"Chris will get me home safely." I saw Chris smirk at him and Kyle shot up.

"No way, I'm not letting that asshole take you-"

"It's not your decision! Now get out! You've ruined this night for me, I hate you!" I screamed wanting him to shut up. His expression faltered and I instantly regretted saying that I hated him.

"You know what, whatever man." He yanked off his bow tie and threw it down before walking away. He stopped half way and looked at Chris. "I will be pressing charges. Now she'll be alone while you're off in jail. And you." He looked at me. "I hope you're happy." He walked out without another word. I felt terrible for saying what I did and I wanted to run after him but I knew he didn't want to see me right now.

"This is all my fault, I shouldn't have come." Chris said, standing up.

"No, no. This was all gonna happen anyway although I don't really hate him so I regret that." I told him.

"I'm gonna get out of here, I don't want to cause any more trouble for you. I'm sorry."

"But Chris-" He held a hand up, silencing me.

"Terry." He turned to his guard. "Get her home safe for me." Terry nodded and another guard left with Chris. Why had this night turned out so terrible? Everything had fallen apart in an instance and all I was thinking, why me?

May tried to talk to me but I told her I wasn't in the mood and I let Terry go ahead and take me home. I really wanted to be alone so I thanked Terry for the ride and silently went into the house, making sure to not wake Daddy. Tears started to fall from my eyes as I took off my shoes and slipped out of my dress. I couldn't stop crying, the tears just rolled down my cheeks. This night had turned out to be a disaster. I went searching in my drawers for some pajamas and ran across an old t-shirt of Kyle's. So I just slipped it on and crawled into bed, just wanting to go to sleep and forget about tonight. But that wasn't happening anytime soon.


"Brooklyn! Get down here!" I groaned and rolled off my bed, hitting the floor pretty hard. It was around noon and after breakfast, I had just went back to bed to wallow in my misery. I need to apologize to Kyle and all morning, I kept missing Chris. I was so torn between my feelings, I didn't know what to do. And Chris wanted me to live with him, I hadn't even told him that I felt the same way yet he's asking me to go to L.A. But when I really thought about it, I knew that I loved Chris. I really did. But I couldn't never commit myself to him when I still has these feelings for Kyle. It was too soon. I loved them both the moment I couldn't choose. I just couldn't.

I got up and dragged myself downstairs, going to see what Daddy wanted. But the scene in front of me just nearly made me kill over. It was two policemen and Chris standing behind them in handcuffs. They let Chris walk forward and I just threw my arms around him, hugging him. I could feel him smile and he buried his face in my neck.

"Kyle and his parents pressed charges." He said, his voice a bit muffled and I stood back, leaving my hands on his shoulders.

"The hell? He started the goddamn thing! You should be pressing charges, not him! Ugh and to think I was going to call him and apologize." I was getting angry all over again at Kyle.

"You should." Chris suddenly blurted out.

"What? Why in the world-"

"He loves you, Brooklyn. I can clearly see it. And I know you can too. It broke his heart last night when you said you hated him, and you should apologize. I hate the guy but hey, he's still human." With Chris saying that, it made me love him even more. He had such a sweet heart and I hugged him again, feeling some more tears coming on.

"Chris....I love you." I heard him gasp. "But I'm gonna have to think about your offer."

"Y-you really mean that?" He leaned back so he could look at me and I smiled, giving him a nod.

"I was confused and I still am because I know deep down I love Kyle too. And I know I can't love you to my full extent until everything I feel for Kyle is gone but I had to let you know that I do love you."

"That's okay. And that's enough for me, for now. And Brooklyn? I love you too." This all felt like a dream, Chris Brown was standing in front of me telling me he loved me. I didn't care if it was a dream or not I was happy and I hadn't felt happy for days. This was exactly what I needed.

"Thank you." I whispered. "What do I need to do to help you get released?"

"Well." One of the policemen stepped up. "You could come down to the station and give us a run through of what happened last night so we can sort this out." He explained.

"No problem, let me grab some shoes and a jacket."

I rode with the policemen down to the station to sort everything out. After I told my story, they had to interview a few other witnesses from last night and once they had all the stories, they finally let Chris go. Chris ended up filing charges against Kyle since he started it and there was a trial coming up in 3 weeks but they were both free to go for now. And with the angry glares I was getting from Kyle at the station, I was becoming scared of him. I don't know if what Chris said was true because he sure didn't look liked he loved me anymore.

I had to explain everything that had happened again to my dad when I got home but once I was through, he let me go to my room. I was finally able to lay on my bed and relax. But relaxing wasn't an option because I had a big thing to think about. Was I to stay here in New York? Or go run off to Cali with Chris? I was in one hell of a mess.


So, should she go to Cali or stay in her beloved New York? More to come!

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