Chapter Thirteen

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"Come on, baby. Pat, get this." Chris pushed my suitcase over to Pat and reached back to take my hand. I gladly took it and interlocked our fingers. I was beyond happy to be with Chris and to be leaving. I was sad that I couldn't tell Daddy goodbye because I had no idea where he was but I knew wherever he was, he had to be doing okay. I hoped.

I had been on a plane before but I was always hearing about planes crashing so I'm terribly terrified of planes. I try to just sleep during it so if I die, I die peacefully in my sleep. Unless I wake up. As Chris led me to the door of his private jet, I could feel my heart accelerating. I didn't even know why we were leaving when we had to come back in 2 weeks for a court date with Kyle. The trial was suppose to have been over 3 weeks ago but it was canceled do to a terrible storm that came a day before. They shut the courthouse down because of water damage so the trial was pushed back to July 12th. I was dreading it even though all it was about was the assault charges Chris filed against Kyle. I just wanted it to come and go so we could get it over with.

"You alright?" Chris asked me as we took a seat on the jet in his nice leather seats. They were very comfy, I could easily sleep in one of these.

"Flight phobia. Fear of flying." I answered. "I hate planes. I've rode in a few but I always went to sleep so I wouldn't have a panic attack during it."

"Why not do something distracting instead of sleeping?" He suggested.

"What in the world is gonna distract me? Unless I'm on fire, I doubt that I'd have anything that could distract me from being on a-" my words were cut off when he suddenly pressed his lips to mine. His hand came up and tangled in my hair, pulling me closer to him. I had to admit, that was very distracting.

"Come with me." He whispered, breaking away from me and standing up. He started to walk towards the back and once I got my bearings, I hopped up and followed him. There was a back room he led me to and once we were both inside, he locked the door.

"I'll be sure to distract you." He said softly, taking me into his arms. His hands slid down to my waist and he kissed me again, slowly and passionately. As he laid us both on the bed, my mind was instantly afraid of what this might be leading to. And I was right. As much as I didn't want to stop kissing Chris, I had to once his hand had reached the button of my jeans.

"Chris." I pressed my hands to his chest and gently pushed him back a little. "I-I can't." He looked concerned and he sat back, pulling me into the sitting position also.

"What's wrong?" He asked, tilting my head up so I'd look at him.

"I'm scared." I admitted. "I've never done anything more than make out."

"Wait, what?" His face started to crack into a smile and he even laughed a little!

"It's not funny!" I gave him a playful shove.

"No, no I'm not laughing cause it's funny, I'm laughing cause I'm relieved."

"Wha-why are you relieved?!"

"I thought that you had already had sex with Kyle." He said. "This whole time I was a little upset that I wouldn't be the first guy that you've had sex with cause when a guy meets that girl that just makes him crazy, they want to be your first everything. And it makes me happy that I'll be your first."

"Oh. Well I guess you're right. But I don't know if I can...I mean I'm really scared."

"That's okay. I can wait as long as you want me to." I rolled my eyes and looked at him cause I knew he was lying.

"What?" He looked at me.

"You're Chris Brown, the longest you've went without sex is 3 weeks."


"Uh huh. That's what I thought. But don't worry, I'll probably be ready soon. Just not today." He smiled and pecked me on my cheek, pulling me back into his embrace. I was so in love with Chris, I hope I never lost him.

We did end up going to sleep eventually but not before we had a very long conversation. Even though we knew a lot of each other from our past conversations and texts, he said we should find out what we don't know. And there was quite a bit. He had asked me what kind of dog would I have if I could get one and I told him a wolf hybrid. A mix of a wild white wolf and a Siberian husky. That's what I wanted. Of course he was interested since his place was overrun by dogs. I couldn't wait to get there and meet them all, I could only remember Dirty Diana, Mabeline, X, and he had a new dog who's name I've already forgotten. We were on the subject of dogs for a while until our childhoods came up. He didn't talk about his much because he said he didn't want to relive it but he did tell me the good parts in it and how he always danced and sung in front of the tv or at church.

We talked for a long time but fell asleep afterwards and we didn't wake up until his pilot, Nick was telling us that we had landed.

"We're here already?" I asked, rubbing my eyes which was followed by a yawn.

"Yep. Come on." Chris grabbed my hand and led me to the door that exited the plane. I gasped when I opened the door, there was a white escalade limo and a chauffeur standing at the bottom, holding a glass of champagne.

"Hello, Miss Andrews." He greeted once I had stepped off the stairs. "Welcome to the lovely Los Angeles."

Well, goodbye New York, hello L.A.


This is not the end! Hush! There's much more ahead ^_^ don't forget about all the other things. SPOILER: Kyle will be back >:D

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