Chapter Six

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The photo is her dress :)


"Are you sure you want to do this?" I stood up and looked at Terry.

"I'm positive. I told her I was coming so I am." I said sternly.

"A party this big without bodyguards is dangerous. And you don't even have an invitation, I bet this party is invitation only."

"Yeah but I'll just show the security guys at the front who I am, it's okay if they know. I'll tell them that I'm a secret surprise for the birthday girl and they'll let me in for sure. If not, I'll get in, trust me. I'll be okay, really." He sighed loudly and sat down.

"Fine but if anything happens, you call, you hear?"

"I will. See ya." I put on my fandora and headed out the door. I was going to just flag a cab and go straight there, hopefully with no problems. Please just let me get there unnoticed.


"Seriously, May, just a little bit. I do not want to look like a clown, seriously." I made the mistake of letting May do my makeup. I told her I just wanted some mascara and eyeliner and after a long debate, I let her put a little bit of teal eye shadow on my eyelid.

Mom had already told me that people were arriving and I was getting so nervous, I felt like puking. We had security at the front to prevent anyone without an invitation from coming in although I did drop a small hint to them that a guy named "Chris" might be coming and he won't have an invitation. To be sure, I told them to ask him if he knows what I like to do the most and the answer should be writing. They said they had my back and I was just so hoping that he would come. I couldn't wait.

"Are you ready?" May asked me. I nodded and she spun me around to see myself in the mirror and I gasped.

"Gosh, May, you have skills! I've never looked this good before!" I exclaimed.

"Brooke, you're beautiful, it's hard to make an already beautiful girl a little prettier, that took everything I had." I smiled and gave her a hug.

"Thank you."

"And for the final piece." She opened a box and took out a silver tiara and placed it on my head, sticking the little combs on the side into my hair. She had curled my hair and it hung down to the middle of my back, I'm just glad no hair was hanging in my face.

"Oh! My little girl!" We both turned and saw Mom standing at the door crying. "You look so precious! I'm gonna ruin my makeup."

"Mom." I groaned, laughing at her.

"A lot of people are out there, are you ready to make your great descent?" Mom asked me.

"I'm scared." I whined. May helped me stand up and she slightly fluffed my dress, making sure everything was in place.

"It's alright to be scared." Mom said. "This is a big thing for you. But you've turned into a beautiful young lady and you need to show everyone that. So go out and be strong. You can do it." She hugged me tightly.

"I love you, Mom." I whispered.

"Aw, sweetie. I love you too." She finally let me go and helped me over to the door. Here we go.

I opened the door and walked out, heading down the hall that led to the stairs. It was a wide set of stairs that led down to the ballroom floor, perfect for me to walk down and be acknowledged. I was scared out of my mind but I knew I had to do it. And I was going to. The second I stepped out and stood at the top of the stairs, all eyes had turned towards me and I knew I was severely blushing like crazy. I thought about running back and hiding but all I needed to do was take that first step. Because once I did, the sound of clapping filled the room along with whistles and people yelling. Everyone had on amazing dresses and suits with fancy masks, I was the only one not suppose to be wearing one. I smiled as I walked down the steps and Daddy was at the bottom, waiting for me. As I reached the bottom, he took my hand and kissed my cheek, wishing me a happy birthday. I was the happiest girl in the world right now and I wanted to remember this night for forever. Different people walked up and hugged me, wishing me a happy birthday and talking a little bit. Most I recognized as friends from school and some were family. But I hadn't seen someone yet and that someone was Chris. Of course I was gonna be a bit down if he wasn't able to come but it was gonna be okay. I knew I'd meet him another time, if not now.

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