Chapter Fourteen

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"No peeking!" Chris slapped my hand away from my eyes to stop me from trying to pull the blindfold off.

"But I wanna see!" I whined.

"Not yet." I felt some steps in front of me and Chris instructed me to step up and once some cool air hit me, I knew we were inside.

"Okay. Ready?" Chris asked me.

"I've been ready!"

"Tada!" Chris pulled the blindfold off of me and pointed to a corner which a small snow white puppy came around and trotted up to me.

"Awe! It's so precious!" I leaned down and picked it up, rubbing its soft fur. "Boy or girl?"

"It's a girl and she's a tamed wolf pup. I couldn't find a wolf and husky mix so I just went with wolf since not many people have those."

"I love her! I just got here and you already got me my own dog! Thank you!" I was nearly crying as I leaned into Chris, clutching the puppy to my chest. She licked my fingers and nibbled a little, making cute whiny noises.

Chris led me around his house and gave me a tour, and it was quite big. When he showed me his bedroom, I pointed out that the bed looked new and he said it was because the last one had been shot up by some BB guns that his nephews had. He told me that all the sheets and blankets were new too since he had grown tired of the other ones. He replaced everything just a few days ago. I didn't voice it but I was secretly happy that he hadn't been with any other women in that bed. And that for my first time, we would have a fresh bed. Our bed. My insides were bubbling with happiness but then I forgot all about it when I heard some commotion downstairs and someone was calling Chris's name.

"God, what are they doing here?" Chris groaned.

"Are those your friends? I wanna meet them." I said, heading that way.

"They're a bit rowdy." He warned.

"I'm a big girl." I sat my puppy down and went down the stairs, stopping at the bottom when I saw some guys standing by the couch, some even sitting on it. One of the guys on the couch spotted me and he shot up, pushing through the others to get a good look at me.

"Guys, look." They all turned around and some of their mouths dropped.

"A-are you lost?" Someone spoke and I stepped down, placing my hands on my waist.

"Nope. Just came down to see who Chris's friends were." The second I spoke, they all surrounded me and I felt like this was a terrible idea.

"Well aren't you a beauty." One of them said, making me blush.

"Guys, back off." I heard Chris say and he walked over to us, taking my hand and pulling me to his side.

"So, you got a new girl? When did this happen?" A guy standing next to me asked.

"Long story." Chris replied. "Her name is Brooklyn. Lay a hand on her and you'll be dealing with me." When everyone nodded, Chris seemed satisfied and he introduced me to them. I most likely won't remember their names the first time but I knew I'd learn them eventually.

I was starting to feel bad because Chris had given me a new phone and said he'd take me shopping for clothes later, I felt like I was living off of him and it sucked. I always wanted to be independent. It wasn't bad for your boyfriend to spoil you every now and then but I want to be where I could also live without him.

"Chris?" I walked into his bedroom and plopped down on the bed next to him.

"Hmm?" He put his phone down and looked over at me.

"I wanna work." I admitted.

"What? Why?"

"Because I don't want to be living off of you."

"Brooke, you just lost everything, I want to take care of you."

"I know and that's great. I know that you'll want to spoil me all the time but I don't want to be the gold digger girlfriend, I want to earn money too."

"Are you sure?" He had that concerned look on his face again.

"Of course. I-I just don't know what I'd do though. No idea." I laid back and stared at the ceiling.

"Do what you do best." He said, smiling at me. "Write."

"But I can only write about you. You're so...easy to write about." I blushed and turned over, trying to avoid eye contact with him because every time he looked me in the eyes, I just had the urge to tackle him and kiss him.

"Write about me. Not me as famous but make the main character me. And then change the names afterwards. You can write romance novels, supernatural novels, anything you want. I know someone that would look at your work and see whether or not it's publishing material. After I help you get started, then you do everything else on your own. Hmm?" I sat up and looked at him.

"Christopher, you're a genius!" I climbed on top of him and kissed him.

"Maybe I should be a genius more often." He said before kissing me again.

So all I had to do was write like I always had on wattpad and change everything later. But the question was now, what the hell was I going to write?

Chris's phone rung and he leaned over and answered it as I laid my head on his chest and traced his tattoos.

"Wait, slow down. Say that again." I wondered who he was talking to but then he looked at me, his eyes soft.

"Brooklyn." He whispered.


"It's May." I gasped and pushed myself off his chest.

"What did she say?" He didn't say anything for a minute but then his eyes met mine once again.

"Your father was in a car accident."

My heart shattered.

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