Chapter Fifteen

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"May? Can you tell me what happened?" Chris held me in his lap and rubbed my back as May spoke.

"W-well, I went to visit my aunt at the hospital because she had her appendix removed and she had a roomate. Turns out, it was your dad." She said. "I asked him what had happened, but he could barely speak. The nurse then told me that he had been in a taxi and they crashed into an 18-wheeler that had pulled out in front of them. The drivers of the truck and the taxi were killed and your dad is only alive because he had been in the backseat. He looks terrible, he has broken bones and bruises. He's lucky to be alive, but you have to come see him. I can't believe you're in Cali, didn't even tell me anything!"

"I'm sorry, it was so abruptly. Chris found me and he just sorta swept me off my feet and took me home with him." I said softly, looking at Chris. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Hmph, still could have called though. Anyway, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know yet. I want to see Daddy but I also have a court date in about 2 weeks so I'm not sure. I really don't want to ride a plane that many times. I'll talk it over with Chris and I'll call you back."

"Alright then, I'll keep you updated on your dad."

"Thanks a lot May. I owe you one."

"Pshhh, more than one. See ya." She hung up and I handed Chris his phone back. I looked at him and he sighed, sitting up further.

"It's all up to you. Either we can go now and stay in my house in New York or we can wait and go a little closer to our court date. Whichever you pick, you know I'm with you all the way." I smiled and touched my forehead to his.

"What would I do without you?" I whispered.

"Be miserable." We laughed and I laid back on the bed.

"Let's go back this weekend." I finally say. "I still want you to show me more of L.A."

"You got it."

"Chris...have you ever thought about if you had never read my story, we wouldn't be here together today?" I said softly.

"I've thought about it. I actually thanked Tyga for introducing me to wattpad because he's the one that got me on it. I read a few then your cover caught my eye and here we are." He replied.

"I have one question though. What in the hell kind of name is 'DopeGame_14'?" We both started laughing after I asked him and he sat up on his elbow to face me.

"I don't know, I didn't want a name that gave me away but I didn't want some weird one so that's just the one I came up with. It is kinda silly now that I think about it. Come on, let's get something to eat." He said, rolling out of bed. I got up and followed him out the room, heading downstairs to the kitchen. A few of his friends were already hanging out in there and they seemed perk up when I walked in. I took a seat on one of the stools at the counter as Chris walked around, opening up some of the cabinets.

"So you guys met online?" One his friends asked me.

"Yeah. See, a lot of people write fanfiction about their favorite idol and well, Chris was mine. He read my story and started talking to me. We had been talking for a while and then he secretly flew to New York and showed up at my birthday party. Now, I didn't know that the Chris I had been talking to was actually Chris Brown, he never told me that." I glared at Chris when I said that part and he gave me a smile in that cute way that he always does. "Anyway, when I found out, I was a little mad that he had lied to me but then he shows up to my prom and sings me song and come on, I couldn't stay mad at him after that."

"And so you just came back with him after that?"

"Yeah. I mean, well not exactly. See I had a boyfriend that Chris got in a fight with and a lot of stuff went down but I didn't want to leave New York when he initially asked me. Then after he left, about two weeks later, my dad's company went under and we lost all our money. I don't know what happened but we got evicted, I lost all my possessions and I was just living on my own in New York until Chris came back and found me. So I finally came back with him and here I am."

"It was luck that I found you." Chris added. "I had searched all day and just happened to find you in the pouring rain."

"Ah, so it was meant to be." Another one of his friends said.

"Yes it was." Chris said, leaning over and kissing my cheek.

After eating, Chris wanted to take me out somewhere to buy some clothes and essential things but I wasn't sure what to put on. I was wearing Chris's sweats and hoodie and I knew shouldn't go out in this 90 degree heat dressed for the winter. One of his friends though, a girl named Aaliyah, lent me some shorts and a t-shirt she had never worn so I felt a little better. Chris was so eager to take me out, he couldn't wait for me to see L.A. But that's not all I was going to see.

"It's a beautiful day." I spoke as Chris drove down the street.

"It's always beautiful here. I hope you can grow to like it." He replied and I smiled at him. We were cruising down the street and I was watching the people walking on the sidewalks when I saw her.

"Oh my God, it's Elizabeth!" I yelled out of nowhere, probably startling Chris.


"Can you pull over?" I asked him quickly and he abruptly swerved into the nearest parking spot next to the sidewalk. Photographers came out of nowhere and started snapping pictures but I ignored them the best I could as I got out the car.

"Elizabeth!" I called, running down the sidewalk. She turned around and her eyes widened when she saw me.

"B-Brooklyn?" Her mouth dropped as I caught up to her and finally hugged her.

"I've missed you." I said as she finally hugged me back.

"What are you doing here in LA?"

"I moved out here with my boyfriend, Chris. Actually, Chris Brown."


"It's a long story. I have so much to tell you, is it possible for me to call you later?"

"Yes, of course. Here's my number." She took my phone and punched it in. "Give me a call okay? I wanna hear everything."

"I will. Gotta go!" I ran back to the car and hopped in, completely oblivious to the photographers that were still snapping pictures.

"Who was that?" Chris asked me as he sped off into the street again.

"About two years after my mom and dad split, my dad met a woman, Elizabeth and she was the sweetest lady ever. Mom was actually jealous of her because Liz use to spoil me and spend so much time with me when Mom couldn't. Liz and my dad dated for 3 and a half years, but then, my dumb dad messed it all up. He ended up cheating on her and it broke her heart. She dumped him on the spot and came back later to tell me she had to leave. I hated my dad for a long time after he made her leave and I missed her so much. She gave me her number so I can call her later."

"That's really nice. Usually the new girlfriend doesn't like the guy's children but seems like Liz was different."

"Yeah, she was." I started thinking about all the fun times I've had with her.

"Enough it the heavy stuff. After we go shopping, I'm taking you out for a night on the town, what do you say?"

"Sounds great!" I was happy and excited but I couldn't stop thinking about Daddy. And the trial that we had ahead of us...God, I hope nothing went wrong.


Sorry for the boring chapter but I'm trying to get back in the swing of things and try to update my stories. The next one should be much better. Sorry for the 9 month wait XD and happy reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2015 ⏰

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