| Chapter Two |

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"Hahaha, f/a... really?" A tall handsome boy with dark curly hair and sparkling dark brown eyes said to you with a big grin on his face.
"Y-y-you heard that?" You stuttered with an embarrassed look appearing on your face.
The boy let out a soft chuckle and put out his hand for you to shake, "hi, I'm Finn." But instead of shaking his hand and stating your name, you just stood there, lost into the boys sparkling eyes. "Uhmmmm... hello?" The boy softly chuckled again causing you to snap out of it. "OH! Sorry! I just-uhmm, I-I" you couldn't get the words out. "Haha it's okay" Finn said smiling "let's start again, hi, I'm finn" he put out his hand again. The boy looked somewhat familiar, you ignored the thought. You giggled putting a loose strand of hair behind your ear and shaking his hand "and I'm Y/n" you couldn't help but smile. "Cool" Finn replied with a small smirk ending the handshake. You both continued walking together. After about a minute Finn finally spoke up "so uh, y/n?" "Yes" you replied. "I'm new here and have ZERO idea what to expect" he said. You stopped walking for a second. "Wait a minute, your finn, the new kid I'm supposed to be giving a tour of the school to! You and some other kids named Jack, Jeremy, Wyatt, Chosen, Jaeden and Sophia I believe." You smiled "Yeah, their all my best friends."  "Really? Cool" Finn softly chuckled at your reply. Every time he did that, you lightly blushed, it made your heart melt.

Could you be falling for this boy?

You literally just met him 5 minutes ago!

*timeskip to at school*

You entered the school, you look to your left to see a group of 5 teens sitting by the lockers, you see their eyes light up when they see Finn and they all run to him and pull him into a big group hug. They pull away and their eyes turn to look at you. "Damn Finn! Where'd you meet the hottie" a boy with short dark brown hair said to you with a smirk and he winked at you. From the corner of your eye you could see Finn looking a little jealous. You couldn't help but blush. "The names Jack" he put his hand out for you to shake, and you shook his hand and replied saying "well this (air quotes) "hottie's" name is y/n" you proceeded to be greeted by the rest of Finns friends, a brown noodle headed y'all boy named Wyatt, a tall, muscular boy named Chosen, another tall boy named Jaeden, a kind looking boy named Jeremy and a short red headed girl named Sophia. They all looked too familiar. Once again, you ignored the thought. You all went down to the principals office to collect their schedules and locker numbers. You all look at each others papers only to realize you all have the same classes together except for one where you were all divided, fifth period, you, Jack, Sophia, Chosen had history as the rest had Spanish. Your lockers were also all right next to each other.


^ (locker row order, all is in one row)

"Aw sweet!" You hear Jack exclaim. Before anyone else can say a word you hear a bell and you all rush to your lockers to collect your stuff but on your way rushing to class after you all have your books, you accidentally bump into someone, Finn. Both of your books drop and you both immediately rush down to the floor to pick them up apologizing frantically. But when Finns hands accidentally touch yours whilst trying to pick up the same book. He leaves his hand on top of yours and you both look up and stare into each other's sparkling eyes.

🥀Dead Roses🥀 Finn Wolfhard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now