| Chapter Seven |

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* time skip to the next morning before school*
Y/n's POV

I unfortunately had to go to hell- I mean school this morning. I couldn't stop thinking about me and Finn. I fell into a daydream about the kiss, sure it was on the cheek and super friendly, I really do have feelings for him.  I schnapped  (hehe Noah Stans wya) back in to reality and quickly did my morning routine and changed my clothes and put my hair into a cute but messy bun.

-I grabbed an apple and ran out the door since I was already 5 minutes late

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I grabbed an apple and ran out the door since I was already 5 minutes late.

*timeskip to school*

I ran inside the building and went straight to my locker to grab my books for Spanish. Everyone was already in class and I walked in, apologizing to Mr.Ramirez, I went back to my seat besides Jeremy. We didn't do a lot of the work since  me and him are like, the worst at Spanish, so we just sat there throwing grapes to Chosen who sat two rows in front of us, besides Sophia. 

Chosen shot his head to look behind him, now facing Jack and Finn. Chosen gave them a death glare and told them to stop. The boys were utterly confused, and me and Jeremy tried to contain our laughter.

"Watch this" Jeremy said to me with a huge grin on his face, I turned my attention to him and watched as he picked up a grape from his container and threw it at Chosen, making it seem like Jack was throwing it. Chosen got up and went behind Jack and whacked him on the head. "OWWWWWWWWWW!!!" Jack whined. "That's what you get for throwing grapes at me" Chosen replied as he went to sit down and continued doing his work. "I DONT EVEN HAVE GRAPES!" Jack exclaimed but Chosen just continued doing work and stuck out his middle finger. At this point me and Jeremy had already bursted out laughing, in fact, he laughed so hard he was on the floor and the water he was drinking came out of his nose causing us to laugh even harder. People were staring at us but we  didn't care.

"What are you guys laughing about? I wanna join!" Jack told us while massaging his head from Chosens hard hit. Jeremy climbed back onto his seat and popped a grape in his mouth. "Oh, nothing" he responded. Jack gave us a glare and crossed his arms but then he noticed the grapes. "CHOSEN!!!" Jack said while poking him. Chosen didn't respond for a few seconds then turned around angry "WHAT" he responded in an annoyed tone. "It was them!" Jack said to Chosen while pointing at us with grapes in our mouth and hands, we froze as Chosen gave us a death glare with one raised eyebrow, "is this true?" He asked me and Jeremy. Me and Jeremy looked at each other and back to Chosen sand we slowly nodded our heads. Chosen looked at us for a few seconds then responded with an "oh, haha, okay" and continued doing his work as did the rest of us except Jack. "WHAT?! ARENT YOU GONNA HIT THEM?!" Jack  said confused and angry. "Nope" Chosen replied, popping the p. And me, Jeremy, Finn, Sophia, Jaeden and Wyatt all laughed as Jack just sat in his seat with an angry pout and his arms crossed, until Mr.Ramirez told us to shut up, we all responded with a quite sorry but then he yelled "EN ESPAÑOL!"[in Spanish!] "Sorry en Español" Wyatt sarcastically responded earning a laugh from everyone in the class, and an eye roll from Mr.Ramirez. 



Sorry for the lack of Y/s/n (your ship name with Finn), we will have more content soon, this is just a filler chapter. Also I wanna make sure Chosen and Jeremy aren't left out, they are seriously underrated and it isn't fair. 

I also noticed some skipped a few chapters especially Chapter three, four and five. Check to make sure. Also I have 25 reads wow ok kool 

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