| Chapter Nine |

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*Finn's POV*

The whole walk I couldn't help but smile and blush, our fingers were still intertwined. I really like Y/n, but I am worried about her, she seemed to hide her feelings and to be honest we really don't know that much about her and her past. Something significant has obviously happened due to the fact that she had tears streaming down her face, but I'm not sure what. I don't want to force her to tell me or any of the Losers but I want her to feel like she can.

*Y/n's POV*

I couldn't...

*Finn's POV*

My thoughts were cut off by Sophia welcoming us into her home.

Me and Y/n quickly let our hands go before anyone could notice and soon after we entered, Y/n was taken away by Sophia to show her around as it was her first time here. I went to go sit by the boys who were on the couch playing Mario Kart and eating snacks. I just sat there reminiscing about Y/n, her laughs, her cries, they all shared something, beauty.

Once again my thoughts were cut off by Wyatt snapping his fingers in front of my face. My head shot up.

"Dude, what the fuck were you thinking of?" He asked with a slight chuckle.

"O-oh um n-nothing." I stuttered.

"Okay, whatever you say B-b-bill." Jaeden responded earning laughs from everyone there.

Except Y/n wasn't nothing, infact, she was everything.

Soon after the girls came back from upstairs.

*Y/n's POV*

Sophia and I came back from upstairs giggling at a joke she made about Jack.

"What are you girls laughing about?" Jack asked us. Me and Sophia just turned to each other and and burst out laughing causing all the boys to look in our direction with confused looks. Jack just huffed, crossed his arms and turned his attention back to the video game as did the rest. I soon realized the game they were playing was Mario Kart, my favourite game, I sprinted towards the couches where the boys were all huddled up and grabbed the controller from Chosen who was selecting his character still and I sat beside him, squished between him and Wyatt who I was going up against.

"Are you sure Y/n, you're gonna lose" Wyatt said with a smirk and small scoff in the end,

"Oh game on snolaf" I fired back with a huge grin on my face earning oooo's from the other losers+Jake.

It was a 5 round battle and I ended up winning 3/5 crowning me as champion.

"WHAT?!" Wyatt exclaimed. "NO WAY! I demand a rematch! I am the undefeated champion!" Wyatt added.

"Sorry bud" I responded whilst ruffling Wyatt's hair.

⚠️trigger warning⚠️

I could have sworn Finn was clenching his jaw with a look of jealousy on his face. Was he jealous? Did he like me?!

There is absolutely NO way he could like you, you dumb fuck.

You think HE likes Pigs like you?

You ugly bitch, fucking idiot thinking he could ever like someone like you.

He probably just thinks your some peice of junk.

Go get the razors hun, you're gonna need them.

These thoughts took over my brain and I got up and left the group, Sophia asked me where I was going but I just ignored her and continued making my way upstairs.

*Finn's POV*

Y/n completely ignored Sofia which was pretty weird, we all gave each other weird looks.

"It's probably just a lady thing." Sofia said in more of a question tone. We all shrugged it off.

15 minutes had gone by and Y/n still hadn't come out.

"Hey guys I'm gonna go check on Y/n okay." I told them. They all responded in a series of nods and "sure's".

I made my way up the stairs and near the bathroom door where I heard soft sniffles.

I lightly knock the door and quietly call out "Y/n?"

*Y/n's POV*


I quietly heard through my light sniffles,

It was Finn

"U-uh y-yeah i'm c-coming." I responded while quickly trying to wipe the blood from my arms and wash my face.

"Are you okay?!" Finn said in a concerned voice stil kind of hushed.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, I-i just, I'm washing my face." I responded turning off the water.

"For 15 minutes?" He questioned.

I remained silent.

"Then why were you sniffling?" He added

Because of all the fucking thoughts going through my brain telling me to slice my wrists open, the fact that I like you and you think of me as a friend, the fact that I have no family and my mom cares more about work, sex, and drugs than me, the fact that my dads dead and I've been repeatedly verbally and physically abused for most of my life by multiple people, the fact that I'm a failure, the fact that I was never truly loved by anyone...

"I just got some, uh, soap in my eyes." I quickly responded.

At this point everything's in place my hoodies covering my freshly cut arms, the bloods wiped away and I'm ready to go out soon. I looked in the mirror and put on that fake smile I was so used to.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and quickly opened the door revealing a shocked Finn.

"C'mon let's go." I told Finn as I grabbed his arm and brought him down the steps, him following behind me as I was going in a relatively fast pace. I let go of his arms before we reached the others. Sophia noticed me and hopped off the couch giving me a hug. I giggled and asked what it was for and she pulled away and dragged me onto the couch and I sat besides Finn, on the end of the couch. "No reason." Sophia giggled. I rolled y eyes and watched as Chosen, Wyatt and Jack decided to watch a scary movie. The rest of us didn't have a response besides Jeremy who got up from the couch and said "Hell no! Heeeeeellllllll no!!!" We all laughed and Jaeden pulled him back down on the couch and I giggled as he scoffed and crossed his arms. They decided on watching Rings and we all agreed except for Jeremy who just sat there still with a mad expression on his face and his arms still crossed.

*No ones POV*

The group, laying there in their PJ's, were horrified watching the movie but halfway everyone laughed at the fact that Jack was asleep, holding Wyatts arm and resting his head on his shoulder. Wyatt just rolled his eyes but 5 minutes later he was asleep as well. Then Sophia whose head was resting on Wyatt's other shoulder, Jaeden who was beside Chosen, then Jeremy who was on the other side of Chosen, Jake was already upstairs before the movie stared, sleeping in his bed. Chosen also fell asleep, head resting atop of Jeremy's. that left Y/n and Finn. Y/n was laying her head on Finn's shoulder as they both just stayed up till 3 am quietly laughing their asses off at funny stories Finn had on set with the IT and Stranger Things cast. Then Y/n fell asleep, cuddled to Finn who just stayed there awake, listening to Y/n breath in and out. He really did like her, in a more than friend way. Then, he peacefully drifted off, to the thought of the oh so beautiful, Y/n...

A/n- this is my longest chapter yet yay.

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