| Chapter Fifteen |

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*Sophia's POV*

I fell asleep before Y/n as I was fuCKING EXHAUSTED. I was sleeping peacefully until I heard my phone make a sound. Shit. I forgot to turn my ringer off. I reached over to the nightstand to check my phone as this could be important...
It was a notification from FUCKING ROBLOX DJDNSKXJJSSJ. Waking me up at 4:02 am for this. Ugh.
I get back into a comfortable position and snuggle in the warm bedsheets. I was about to close my eyes when I heard Y/n mutter something, I let out a small giggle as she was probably dreaming about some weird shit. Until I heard it again, louder but not loud, just a whisper. I couldn't make out what she was saying.
She does it again and this time it's a small bit louder and more clear. I think she's saying stop? Why? I turn to look at her and switch the lamp on so I could see her clearer.
She was COVERED in sweat and her eyes were squeezed shut. She repeated stop again in a normal talking voice but she sounded breathless and her voice was shaky. She started slowly and lightly shaking her head. I was kinda worried, it was probably a nightmare and I don't want her to go through that so I put my hand on her shoulder and started shaking her lightly, repeating her name. She kept saying things like 'stop' and 'go away'. She was sweating more and speaking louder. I was really worried and she wasn't waking up even though I was shaking her rapidly and talking louder so I got up to get the boys.

I barged into their room and they were already up. "Guys! Come! Y/n isn't waking up and she's being really weird." I exclaimed. They all got up and ran to where we were sleeping.
Y/n was now DRENCHED in sweat, she looked like she just came out of the shower, she was almost screaming but she wasn't awake, we were all terrified and we didn't know what to do so we just kept screaming at her to wake up and shaking her. She was sobbing loudly and seeing her like this made me tear up too.
"Y/N! Y/N!!!" We all screamed.


What was going on?

Sorry for the short chapter. I honestly don't know where this book is going oof. How many chapters should this book have? Comment.

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