| Chapter Fourteen |

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⚠️trigger warning⚠️

I was breathless.
He was here.
I thought I had escaped.
I was so very wrong.
"You really thought you could hide?" He chuckled evilly.
"W-w-what are you doing here? How are you here? How did you find me?"
He slowly took a few steps towards me.
"NO! STAY AWAY! GO! STOP! HELP!" I screamed.
But it didn't seem to matter.
He chuckled evilly again.
"There's no point, no one can hear you. You can try, but you're useless. Just like you've always been. Don't bother asking questions, you won't live to hear the answers." He was now only 2 feet away from me. I was locked in position. Like every single bone in my body was under some trance, that couldn't be broken.
"You should've died that night y'know? Along with your sister. Actually, I wouldn't mind if she lived, at least she had some kind of future. Unlike you, you little piece of shit." He spoke quietly and calmly. He was now inches away from me, lingering above as we had quite the height difference. He kept his eyes glued to mine, a look of lust playing on his large eyes.
I remember that look.
As much as I'd like to forget.
With his eyes still stuck on mine, his hands trickled from my wrist, up my arm, his rough, large hands on me was something I've always tried to forget. Once they made their way up to my neck he gripped them hardly, choking me. It was already hard enough to breathe before and his hands blocking my airway, didn't help with the whole issue, I was gasping but I couldn't move. I was stuck.
Stuck in his tight grip just like all those years ago.
He released and I could finally breath again.
The air thickened so I had just enough.
He smirked evilly and pushed me back, I thought I'd fall to the ground but I was caught by something soft.
A bed?
I was on the bed laid out flat, and my father was hovering over me, hands and knees on either side of me and that stupid evil grin still plastered on his face.
I couldn't talk nor move still.
I felt his rough stubble on my neck, as he sucked on it, giving hickeys I most definitely didn't want.
I remember this all too well...
He stops and removes his shirt as he puts his hand on my back and uses it to push me upwards.
Tears were streaming down my face and I tried to scream but no words came out.
He removed my shirt and unbuttoned my shorts, pulling them off in a few movements.
Tears were falling faster than before but I still couldn't move or scream.
I was weak.
I remember this feeling.
This wasn't the first time.
He removed his pants as well, we were just in our undergarments.
He unclasped my bra but didn't remove it.
I fell back onto the bed on my back and just barely felt arms shaking my shoulders and faint screaming of words I couldn't quite make out.
But it wasn't my fathers.
After I'd asked myself that, everything went black.
Back to how it was when I was first in this goddamn void.
I looked down to my body, hickeys painted everywhere.
I was in my bra and underwear, cold.
I felt as if I was the void, not just in it.
Suddenly, a random person pops out, scaring me half to death as a little screech came out.
I could scream now, and move.
The person, unidentifiable, burn marks covered their entire body.
They quietly let out.
I knew that voice all too well,
My passed sister.
"I hate you."
She mumbled as tears were streaming down my face.
"K-k-Kara?" I stuttered.
"You bitch! You deserved this!" She yelled, gesturing at her burns.
"K-Kara, I'm so, so sorry" I sobbed and took a step closer to her.
She took a step back.
"You were supposed to die! Not me! You! I had a life, a future, LOVE. While you, boring old Y/n. Had nothing." She exclaimed.
"You deserve every, sad little thing life gives you. You deserved to get RAPED, you deserved to get BEATEN, you deserved to get BULLIED, you deserve those slits on your body. You deserve HELL!
And that's what you're gonna get..."
Before I could respond, she disappeared. I sobbed on the floor.
When another person came up, scaring me also.
"You little bitch... I really hope you die, a long, horrible, painful death." She said to me.
I couldn't cry for I had used all of my tears.
She disappeared but slowly a dozen of unknown people were screaming things at me.
You slut!
Kill your self!
You don't deserve to be with them!
No one likes you!
That number of people rapidly multiplied.
I didn't know what to do.
It lasted for a few minutes until my ears were quite literally bleeding, I was screaming in pain and those voices just grew louder to overshadow my own screams.
I couldn't handle it.
I just had to end it all.
Somehow, a long, sharp, knife was in my trembling hands.
I stood up, and put both hands on the handle and pointed it towards my chest.
The group of thousands yelled.
My shaking hands went stable, the bleeding and pain from all over me was outcast by the new pain in my heart.
That's right.
I did it.
Just like everyone wanted me to.
Like I should've a long time ago.
I quickly grew dizzy and felt those arms on my shoulder again with the screams.

If you're having trouble imagining the void, think of what eleven was in in stranger things. Also two chapters in one day?
Ik your very

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