| Chapter Three |

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*time skip to lunch*

You all left Math class exhausted from all the work, you started thinking... I think I might like Finn, I met the boy a few hours ago and I might already have feelings for him. I couldn't help my self, whenever I looked at him my knees felt weak. Also why was everyone so freaked out when they saw Finn? You didn't care and took the GaNg (a/n-too lazy to type all their names so imma just call them gang lol) to the cafeteria but once you entered the cafeteria, you hear a student scream "THERE HE IS!!!" And watch as a bunch of students run up to you guys, Finn grabs your hand and you guys all run into a nearby classroom, locking the door behind you guys. Everyone's panting, trying to catch their breath. "What...Was...THAT?!" I yell angrily. "You don't know?!" Jack says with a confused look on his face. "JACK! Shut the fuck up!" Finn snaps back to Jack who then puts his arms up in defence. "Tell me what?!" I give them all my oh so famous 'I'm gonna kill you' look and Finn groans. "Nice going Jack!" Finn says sarcastically slumping down in a random chair. "She was gonna find out sooner or later" Jack replied, still panting with his hands on his knees from all the running. "Someone tell me why the fuck we were chased by a shit ton of students!" I yell angrily. "Fine, I'm a famous actor, we all are" Finn said. I gave them all a really confused look. "What do you mean your all famous?How famous?" I respond with an arched eyebrow. "Well... we kinda all star in a movie, IT, the remake. And Finn here, one of the main characters in Netflix's biggest show currently... Stranger Things... ever heard of it?" Sophia responded. I just stood there with my mouth open in shock. I stood like this for a few seconds but then Jaeden interrupted me "uh Y-y/n?" "AND YOU DIDN'T THINK IT WOULD BE IMPORTANT TO INFORM ME BEFORE WE GOT FUCKING AMBUSHED BY A BUNCH OF STUPID FANGIRLS ALMOST GETTING COMPLETELY FUCKING TRAMPLED TO THE GROUND BY THEM?! YOU DIDN'T THINK MAYBE WE SHOULD FIND A WAY TO NOT GET ATTACKED?!" I yelled at them completely furious. They stood there with their mouths open in shock from all the yelling and swearing I just did. "Y-y/n... we're sor-" I cut Finn off before he could finish apologizing by running out the class and slamming the door behind me making my way outside. "Y/N WAIT!" Finn exclaimed, but I had already left. I heard them all screaming my name and telling to wait but I just kept speed walking until I felt someone grab my wrist when we were already outside. I immediately turned around and saw Finn, before I could let out a word he cups my face with his soft hands and pressed his smooth plump lips on mine. I was shocked at first but eventually kissed back. It felt.... different, Finn wasn't my first kiss but this was my first kiss where I felt butterflies in my stomach, it felt like we were the only two people in the entire world, it felt like there were a million fireworks going off, it felt... unreal. The 5 second kiss felt like a million years. We slowly pulled away and gazed into each others eyes. "Y/n, I'm so, so, so sorry. If I had known people were gonna do this I would've never put you through that, I know it's very overwhelming and I'm sor-" before Finn could finish I cut him off by smashing my lips onto his, he immediately kissed back. This kiss was shorter than the first one but with the same amount of passion, we pulled apart slowly.

"Y/n... Y/n... Y/N!!!" I jump up from my bed covered in sweat. Only to be greeted by my mom standing over me shaking me. "Y/N!!! YOU'RE LATE NOW GET UP I GOTTA GO!!!" I dart my head to my alarm clock and jump out of bed. I had 15 minutes till school started. I thought about what REALLY happened yesterday, we didn't get chased, Finn took a few pictures with some fans in the school and they already told me about their successes and I wasn't mad at all I was actually excited and happy. It was all a dream, all those feelings I felt, the kiss, the pain... it was all a dream. I was upset but understood seeing as Finn probably doesn't feel that way about me. I ran to the bathroom and did my morning routine and took a 2 minute shower. I grabbed my outfit on my chair and threw it on and left my hair down.

^Your outfit-I had 10 minutes till school started and grabbed an apple on my way out and ran to school

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^Your outfit
I had 10 minutes till school started and grabbed an apple on my way out and ran to school.i arrived with 2 minutes to spare and I was greeted at my locker by the losers. They were my new best friends. I haven't talked to Catherine in a while so I decided to text her at lunch.

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