| Chapter Eleven |

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*Finn's POV*

Y/n laced her fingers with mine and I don't know why but right then, I knew I wanted... No, needed.

One thing.


We made our way to my truck as the others took Sophia's car. We hopped in and I knew where we were headed. Y/n always told me she had a love for those old-timey drive in's, luckily, we were 3 minutes away from one. I put a blindfold on her as I wanted this to be a surprise.

Soon enough we reached the drive in. No one was there so I parked in the best spot imaginable. Y/n still had her blind fold on while I went to get some snacks.

I came back to the truck and set up the back with fairy lights, drinks, snacks and blankets and went over to the passenger seat to help Y/n get out and go to the back. I sat her down and slowly removed her blindfold...

*Y/n's POV*

*play song now and try to wait for the chorus [i'll be good] when the important part comes up [i'll say before it does]*

I couldn't believe it, he did all this... for me? No evil thoughts were raging through my head, just pure bliss.

I loved this feeling, it was something like I've never felt before, i've spent way too long of my life fearing and hurting. But this, unlike the others, was a feeling, I never wanted to end.

The movie started playing and I snuggled up to Finn. Enjoying his warmth, I couldn't wish for a better someone to do this with. In that moment, I knew what I needed.


He slowly sat up, I followed. He turned to face me, "Y/n, ever since I laid eyes on you, you amazed me with your kind soul and beauty." He slowly caressed my cheek as I lost myself in his eyes. My gaze shifted down to his lips, then back up to his eyes. He did the same to me.

Never meant to start a fire, i never meant to make you bleed

i'll be a better man today...

[if chorus line [i'll be good] hasn't played, please wait till it does to read the next sentence]

Before I knew it, he crashed his lips onto mine. I felt sparks fly and all I could focus on was him.

*Finn's POV*

I felt sparks fly and all I could focus on was her. I never wanted to break apart. Her hands slowly made their way up from my arms to my neck. I gently gripped onto her waist and pulled her closer to me, filling in any space between us.

Our lips, passionately moving in sync.

Our bodies, pulled together.

She gently tugged on my hair, which made my stomach fill with butterflies.

I carefully bit her lip, asking for entrance and she granted it, I slipped my tongue into her mouth and we fought for dominance but I eventually won.

*Y/n's POV*

All my worry's slowly slipped off into oblivion. I have never felt anything like this.

I felt rain drops hit me all over, it was pouring, but that didn't stop us. I didn't want the kiss to end  but we both slowly pulled away, looking into each others eyes.

"Y/n l/n, will you be my girlfriend?" Finn asked me.

My heart was beating outside of my chest.

A smile crept onto my face as I nodded. I pulled him in for one short, sweet kiss and pulled away. I laid my head on his shoulder and felt the goosebumps on my body. I was truly happy, right here, right now.

if only i knew what i was getting my self into...


Wow i stan one [1] couple.

also 2 chapters in one day uwu

also the i never meant to start a fire line is lyrics in the song you should hear before you read the sentence

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