| Chapter Ten |

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*time skip morning Y/n's POV*

Me and Finn woke up to giggles and camera shutter noises. I open my eyes and see the cast standing right in front of cuddled up Finn and I taking our picture. We both jump up from our cuddled position and begin too chase them around the house screaming threats at them.

I was chasing Sophia, Jeremy and Chosen while Finn was chasing Wyatt, Jack and Jaeden. The chase went on for a good two minutes until everyone was running together and Jack being the clumsy loser he is at the front trips causing everyone to trip and fall on top of Jack leaving him underneath everyone wheezing for air. Finn and I get up, grab their unlocked phones and delete the picture but on Sophia's phone I noticed she had already uploaded it to twitter.

The post has gotten  3,000 likes, 3,590 replies and 2,000 reposts in two minutes. I quickly deleted it and gave them all a death glare. I'm too hungry to kill them so I go to the kitchen and make waffles, sausages and eggs while the losers sit lazily on the couches playing on their Nintendo switches. I set the table and the losers notice and run to go sit down. I roll my eyes and set the plates of each item on the centre of the table for them to get themselves. I also put out milk, water and orange juice with some cups.

By the end of breakfast no one could get up, we were all so full. I groan in slight abdominal pain, making my way to the couch to watch some movies and the losers follow.

Finn sits beside me with his hand on his stomach and his arm around my shoulders. We all decide to watch To All The Boys I've Loved Before and by the end me, Sophia, Jack, Jeremy and Chosen are in tears. "th-that w-was so god-d-damn beautiful." Sophia whines in between sobs. 

"I kn-know!" Jeremey responds choking back on his tears. 

We were all catching our breaths, wiping our tears and blowing our noses loudly into tissues while the rest just stared at us with confused looks on their faces. We glance back at them and all yell "WHAT?!" and they jump a little bit at the fact that we all just snapped at them.

"I-it wasn't even that sad." Finn said, nervous at what we'd do next. "Yeah." Wyatt and Jaeden added. we shoot them death glares and Jack responds with "shut the fuck up you heartless beasts!" while wiping a tear. They put their hands up in defense and we all laugh.

I look at the time and notice it's already 11:00 am. 

"Hey, you guys wanna go to a trampoline park later?!" I ask with a hint of excitement in my voice. They all eagerly nod their heads except Jack who hops off the couch and screams "HELL YeAaAaaaAAa!!!" 

we all giggle at his silliness and go upstairs to change our clothes.


It somehow was 6 pm since we decided to save up our energy and watch more movies and nap.

*time skip to trampoline park*

We arrived at the trampoline park and we used the back entrance to hide from fans. Me and Finn were walking and talking as we entered the large building and Finn paid for my ticket. I gave him a small kiss on the cheek and giggled as he blushed furiously. 

I had the most fun EVER! My favourite moment was when Jack attempted a backflip but just ended up tripping before he jumped and landed on his head.

The night came to an end and just when I thought this night couldn't get any better, Finn pulled me away from the others.

"H-hey Y/n?" he asked nervously. 

"Sup Finnlard?" I asked with a grin on my face.

"1] don't call me Finnlard. 2] I was wondering if you just wanted to... uhmmm... go to the movies. Uhhh, alone?" he asked me, most likely scared of what my response was going to be.

"Like a date?" I teased. Finn just stood there blushing, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Sure." I responded with a wide smile appearing on my face. I was so excited.

His face lit up as I said that one word. 

Maybe he really did like me, I blushed at the thought but I was stopped by my raging thoughts.

Of course he doesn't like you, have you seen yourself?

Lol you're joking. He is just using you idiot.

He's just gonna break your heart like him.

I don't think someone as high classed as Finn likes rats like you.

You're delusional.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone picking me up and throwing me over their shoulder


We both laughed as I screamed for him to put me down. After a few seconds, he put me down, his hands gripping gently on my waist. We stared into each others eyes for a few seconds before we were both slowly leaning in. We were only able to move about a centimetre in before Wyatt yelled for us to walk faster.

We let go of each other and I cleared my throat awkwardly making my way to Sophia and telling her about what me and Finn were going to be doing. She nodded smirking at me and I just rolled my eyes. I made my way back to Finn and laced my fingers with his and smiled up at him. Pure happiness pulsing through my body. Something I've never felt in a long, long, time.

*Finn's POV*

God damn i'm really falling for her...



hello i started school today and didnt get the teacher i wanted. the one i have is pretty nice tho. she started playing that annoying ass Scooby doo song i hate and tried making us dance but we all just stood there awkwardly watching her dance for a few seconds lmao and i know like 1 person in my class and we aren't even good friends oof. id ask for prayers but they aren't valid in hell[school glifjheyrgt]. anyways sorry for not updating in so long. next chapter will be better and lets just say some progress will be made heehee.

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