| Chapter Thirteen |

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* y/n's POV *
⚠️edit: hi so this is really triggering and if there are any more chapters in this book that are triggering pls comment and tell me cus this is pretty bad :( ⚠️

I scrolled through my phone. Looking through all the hate comments. Chosen noticed my glum look and whispered into my ear.
"You okay y/n?"
I looked at him and put a fake duh face and nodded.
I went up to the washroom with my phone.
The feeling that I most certainly didn't miss came back.
You worthless piece of shit
Listen to the comments
They are correct
Your a little slut
Kill yourself
Cut Cut Cut
No one loves you
Do it. Slit your skin. Bleed.
I just sat there, on the floor. Letting my evil thoughts get the best of me. I frantically searched through the washroom looking for something sharp.
I took a moment to stop and breathe, I shouldn't be doing this, but at the same time...
I should
What if they're just doing this out of pity? Being my friends? I didn't think so but I knew one thing, I'm literally hated by everyone else, including my 'family'.
I did what I had to do. I watched as the blood streamed down my forearm, I winced at the pain but tried my best not to cry, so the others wouldn't know I was crying. I wiped off the blood and put on the sweater I swiftly grabbed from my bag and slid it onto my body. I sat on the floor and moved my finger on the lines of my fresh cut and just sat there. I picked up my phone and looked at the time, it's been 5 minutes. I took my hair out of its ponytail and let it fall loose. I took one final look in the mirror, opened the washroom door, made my way down to the Losers and took my seat beside Chosen. No one really questioned my whereabouts besides Chosen.
"Hey..." he whispered into my ears quite enough so the rest wouldn't hear even though they were too busy playing video games anyways.
"Hey, whatsup?" I replied, trying to avoid the questioning I knew would come, though I failed.
"I could ask you the same? Spill it." He said with a stern voice.
Everyone literally hates me, including my 'family' wherever they were. I'm being bullied online AND at school. I'm ugly, I got zero self confidence, I live every day in fear that HE'LL find me and more...
"Nothing." I lied.
He squinted at me, clearly not believing me.
Before he could let out a single word he was interrupted by a shouting Wyatt.
"Heheheheeee" Jeremy chuckled.
All our heads shot to them and we started laughing, all except Wyatt.
"He was CLEARLY cheating!" He exclaimed.
"No hablo inglés señor." Jeremy responded with a shrug. Wyatt just growled and sat back down.
The rest of the night was all fun and games but it was now time to sleep.
"Okay so Jeremy and Jack share a room, Chosen and Wyatt, Finn and Jaeden, finally me and Y/n. Got it?" Sophia said.
"Yes ma'am." Chosen responded standing up straight and saluting her. We all let out quite chuckles and made our way upstairs to sleep. I got in bed with Sophia and we didn't even bother to talk, we just said our goodnight's and fell asleep due to it being 4am already.
I didn't sleep. I lay there, listening to Sophia's soft snores (in a non creepy way) thinking about my day with Finn and how he hasn't talked to me since our date, if he even thought about it as that. I don't know. I slowly closed my eyes due to them feeling like a hundred pounds and fell asleep.
I was in a dark void, endless. I had barely enough air to breathe, I stood up, struggling. I walked across the endless darkness with a floor of water, though I couldn't feel it, I couldn't feel anything. I heard a voice call out my name far behind me. I turn around and focus my eyes on a tall figure with a bigger build, staring directly at me. He repeated my name once more
It took me a while, but I could recognize that voice anywhere...
He found me. How? Where even am I? What am I doing? Is this real?
So many questions were racing through my mind but were broken by one word...
My breath hitched and a shiver went down my spine.

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