| Chapter Six |

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*y/n's POV*

It's been a week since the cafeteria incident, we didn't really get in as much trouble as the Bitch Squad, only 3 days of after-school detention.
Me and the Losers were totally inseparable now. They are 10x better friends than Catherine ever was.
I have this feeling, butterflies, whenever I see him. Finn Wolfhard.
I may or may have not developed slight feelings for him... who am I kidding?

I have.

*phone dings*
I push my wheeled desk chair to my bed with my feet and grab my phone from my bed to check who texted me. I read the contact name and my face quickly forms a smile.


💋Finn💋 :
Hey y/n/n🙃

Hey Finn 👋

Not much without you baby girl❣️
Message deleted
Not much🤷‍♂️ what about you? What're you doing?

I don't think Finn realized that I seen the message before he deleted it. My cheeks are slightly tinted pink, I couldn't help but blush.

What if he likes me?
No way, he'll never like someone like me.
But what if he does?

I erase the thought from my mind and go back to texting him.

I'm not doing much, I'm just bored out of my mind trying to figure out this STUPID math homework 🤦‍♀️

He didn't text back for a couple minutes

Uhm y/n?

Yes dogsoft?😂

Why don't you come over? I finished and can help you🙂
*sends address* hurry!!!
A chance to hang out with Finn... ALONE. Hell yeah you dumb fuck.
I jump off of my bed and find the perfect outfit~

-I jump off of my bed and find the perfect outfit~

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With 2 French braids~

And grab my keys and homework and walk over to Finn's house which is surprisingly only a 6 minute walk

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And grab my keys and homework and walk over to Finn's house which is surprisingly only a 6 minute walk.
I reach his doorstep and knock, while waiting for someone to open the door I admire the large modern house.
I hear a few muffled steps and am surprised to see Finn open the door...
"Oh, shit. Sorry, I totally forgot you were coming! Uhmm, come in?" He says with a half smile.

* Finn's POV*

I open up the door even more for her to enter, I close the door and smile and admire her beauty.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." She says sarcastically. So, I pull out my phone from my pocket and take a quick picture of her. I then save it and laugh at her shocked expression.
"Your cute when you blush" I say with a small giggle.
Fuck. Why did I say that. Fucking idiot.
Y/n smiles back at me. "So, where are we going Finnlard?" She giggled.
"Come on!" I replied excitedly, I grab her hand and run with her up the stairs and too my room. When I open the door I say "taa daaaa" whilst doing jazz hands. We did our homework, studied, and just talked for what felt like days, we even watched High School Musical while stuffing our faces with popcorn and other snacks. It was the most fun I've had in forever. I never wanted it to end but unfortunately the time came for y/n to go home, I was kinda upset but I knew she would have to leave at some point.

We were at my front door and she was about to leave and she gave me a quick but loving hug.
"Bye" She said before giving me a small friendly kiss on my cheek. I couldn't help but blush.

Man, I am really falling for her

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