She loves me...she loves me not...

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(Jeffrey's P.O.V)

Sarah pulls us apart

S: Jeffrey do you love me or not!?

J: I don't know anymore, how could I love you after what you did you selfish bit-

Just before I finished Charlie punches me strait In the nose. I fall to the floor, strait away Britney picks me up. I feel the blood running down my face.

B: get out! now! Charlie I don't want to see you ever again! just get out of my life! she says crying

S: I'm sorry...

C: Wha-

Right then Zaria comes home and right away asks what's wrong.

Me: Charlie punched me....

Z: what hap- you know what never mind I'm going to get you an ice pack ok? Be right back it won't take me that long.

B: look I'm sorry for what I have caused...

Me: no it's ok it's all my fault I shouldn't have said what I said about Sarah to Charlie. Since they are a thing I guess...i say starting to tear

Z: hey guys I got the ice pack. are you alright Jeffrey?

Me: yeah I'm fine, I'll be ok

Z: I'm going to a friends for a while ok? I'll be home around tomorrow night.

We head up stairs to Britney's room and talk about things.

Look...i know we both are are not having the best week ever you actually like me? " you?" Yes I do, but I don't really know anything right now. So d-

Right before I say something Britney's phone rings.

"Hey Clara it's been so long how are you!?"

"Cool! you should come over sometime?"

"Ok cool at 12:30?"

"Ok great see you soon!"

"Sorry that was Clara she's coming tomorrow want to meet her?" Sure why not, I bet she's cool.

Who do I Really Love? -Jeffrey Eli Miller FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now