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(Still Clara's P.O.V)

Oh crap what happen?! i quickly grabbed britneys iphone off the counter and dialed 9-1-1. I was shaking and crying while i was telling the operator then i hung up. They are coming! i said i looked over at jeffrey who was crying and trying to wake britney up he

was yelling " Britney please wake up i-i love you dont leave me. wait did i hear that right did he just... anyways theres no time for that i thought to my self. Then i heard the ambulance sirens. They knocked and i quickly ran to the door and open so they could take Britney. I was crying i feel to the ground crying and then Jeffrey came over helped me get up and i quickly got Britneys iphone and we went into the ambulance thank god they let us in. It took about 10 minutes to get there and while we were in the ambulance i saw jeffrey he was shaking i think he was really scared i also notice he was holding Britneys hand. The paremedict were checking her that she was alright. I didnt know what would happen Zaria was with a friend and we had no adult. then we arived. we stayed in the waiting area while they took Britney. Jeffrey was sitting in the chair trying to hold in his tears. Then i walked up to the desk to sign Britney in. Then i called called Zaria.

(Phone convo)

Z- Hey britney whats up?

C- hello zaria its Clara Britney is in the hospitail come quick.

Z- Wait what!? what happened?

C- I will tell you when you arive hurry though now!

( end of convo)

(Zaria's P.O.V)

I was in the living room while Joelle rested for a while because she was tierd i feel bad for her having to get surgery. i was watching " Keeping it up with the Kardashians" then my phone rang. Hey Britney whats up? i said.Hello zaria its Clara Britney is in the hospitail come quick when Clara said that my heart drop all the way to my stomach i got a sick feeling.Wait what!? i was confused. I will tell you when you arive. i was so worried for my little sister what could of happen i txted Joelle leaving her a message when she woke up i took the keys and headed off to the hospitail. I was driving and i was shaking the whole time i thought any moment now i was going to let go of the steering wheel.then i finally arived.

(Jeffrey's P.O.V)

I finally got myself to stop crying and i had to think of what was going to happen next then Zaria walked in Clara stood up and hugged her they hugged for a minute or so then Clara explained what she knew of what happen because we didnt really know what happened. Then the doctor came out. Family of Britney Loft Zaria quickly got up and so did i. Yes whats wrong doctor? we asked really fast wanting to know if she was okay. Then the doctor began " well it seems she lost alot of blood and she doesnt have enough in her systeam she is to weak, But she is fine she just needs lots of rest eventully she will gain all the blood.( i dont really know if that is what really happens but lets imagine🙌). I didnt know what was going to happen but all i wanted to do was see britney. Doctor do you think its possible to see her right now!? i was hoping he would say yes. You could but she is sleeping and its better if she is not woken up but if you would like you can go see her. You can only go in one at a time sorry there rules. Okay then we decided Zaria should go in first because she was her sister. After the 10 longest minutes of my life it was Claras turn i wished it was my turn already but they were best friends. I didnt have my phone i forgot it so i couldnt check the time but luckly i was checking the time on the clock they had in the waiting room. Clara was in the room for 15 minutes it was my turn finally!! I know i wasnt going to be able to talk to her but just seeing her would make me happy while i was walking in Clara was coming out she had a big grin on her face. I walked in and sat at the edge of the hospitail bed i grabbed her hand and i began to talk. Britney please wake up i need you in my life, please dont leave me, I love you. Then she moved! I slowly saw her eyes open Jeffrey! she tried to scream but she was to weak. she opened her arms and i have her a big hug. are you okay? i asked her. Yea i just feel really tired call the nurse please. So i pressed the botton and the nurse came in running. Whats wrong do you need something? no she just doesnt feel good i told the nurse. oh okay i will get the doctor to do some test.Then she exited the room.

( Britney's P.O.V)

all i remeber was i got cut with the knife,blood dripping every where and then i hit my head and it went black. I dont know how long it had been since that happened but i woke up in a hospital bed and i slowly opened my eyes and i say Jeffrey! i tried to yell his name but i was weak. i opened my arms and we huged. Are you okay ? yea i am fine i am just tierd call the nurse i told him. He pressed the botton and the nurse came running in. whats wrong do you need something? she asked me. No she just doesnt feel good jeffrey told her. oh okay i will go get the doctor to do some test she responed and left the room. What happened ? he asked me. well i was cleaning out the dish washer taking out the clean dishes and then i was going to place in the dirty ones and i reached for the forks but instead grabed the knife and it cut my palm and there was blooding dripping everywhere and then i hit my hit on the counter and then it went black. You lost alot of blood tears started running down my checks. Its okay you will be fine i promise he told me and he gave me a huge hug. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. His face turned red and i think mine did too because my cheeks felt really warm. Then the doctor came in. Hello Miss.Loft i just have to do some test and does your friend mind he has to get out while i do the test. oh okay jeffrey responded and he exited. So Miss.Loft how are you feeling right now. well i just feel tired. oh yes you did loose alot of blood.He did a few test and then he left. When i looked to see the table next to me i saw my iphone was there did Jeffrey bring it or Clara. I just fell asleep because i was very tired.

(Clara's P.O.V.)

I saw Jeffrey exiting Britneys room and he had a smile on his face. Why so happy all of a sudden? i asked him. oh because Britney woke up but then The doctor had to do some test on her. Oh i left her her phone on the table next to her.Then i stared to laugh. Whats so funny? he asked me Jeffrey your still in your Pajamas. He was trying to hold in his laughter but then burst out lauging. Then the doctor came out and said she was able to leave tommorow in the after noon.I think we should leave and get some rest and come tomorow for Britney. No i am not going Zaria said she looked very worried. I am staying too jeffrey said i think he really likes Britney.Come on guys she will be fine i said. Jeffrey you have to get some sleep you look terrible Zaria said with a laugh.Okay fine jeffrey finally gave in. Me and Jeffrey walked since the house was only 12 minutes away from the hospital. Once we got to the house it was open because we didnt even lock it. We went in and Jeffrey went to the guest room then came out and went into Britneys room. I went upstairs ad i heard some wimpers and then it stop and he started talking i think he was on his phone.

( Jeffrey's P.O.V)

Me and Clara went walking home and Zaria stayed at the hospital. We only walked home because the house was only 12 minutes away from the hospital. I went into the guest room got my phone and went into Britneys room. I was crying at first but then i got a call from Emily.

(Phone Convo)

E- Hey Jeff

J- Oh hi Emily

E- Whats wrong

J- What do you mean?

E- It sound like you were crying. Jeffrey are you okay.

J- No not really you see i met a girl her name is Britney she is in the hospital and i dont want to loose her...because i-i love her.

E- Wait what happen to Sarah!

J- i dont have time to explain right now

E- Hey i am coming to see you right now!

J- I am not at my house i am at Britneys because my parents went on a cruise.

E- okay give me the adress

J- its the house next door of mine to the left.

E- okay i will be there in 13 minutes bye

J- Bye

(end of convo)

I grabbed my iphone and then i went downstairs to wait for Emily i really didnt want to see anyone right now and espicaily Emily i know she is now going to give me a lecture. I was watching tv while i waited for Emily. Then the door bell rang Crap! I got up and opened the door. Jeff she gave me a big hug. Oh hi Emily nice to see you? Jeffrey explain to me right now! Then Clara came down stairs i think she saved my life. Oh Hi my name is Clara you are? Oh hi i am Emily jeffreys friend.Oh not to be rude but why are you here? Clara asked Emily. I am here to talk to Jeffrey about something emily responded. I dont think its the best time to be honest Clara said trying to explain to Emily

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