Note 2 Meaning

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The letter:
"Dear Pete and Patrick
Little games are oh so fun.
Life doesn't seem so happy anymore, does it?
There's no fairytale endings.
There's no mermaids or fairies.
There's no true love.
Only deathly endings and tears of sorrow.
Only tears falling faster than the rain outside.
Burning your cheeks and tearing your heart to shreds.
You might've thought you've gotten rid of me.
The memories repressed into the deepest part of your brains.
This isn't it.
You haven't seen the last of me.

What they think:
That the semicolon ties into the fact that it won't hit end there. They think it's Frank again because frank knows about the allergy. Also Jason's name pops up because the two have pushed that pool memory away.

What it actually means:
They're correct about the semicolon. However, Luke puts a twist on Patrick's allergy when he mentions mermaids. There's a mention of rain, which is a allusion back to Parkdale, where it rained a lot. Burning your cheeks a jab at Patrick. Luke wasn't as important as Jason in the pool incident but he was in fact there. They've pushed that memory away but also HIM within the memory away further. (hence why no one said Luke when I had originally added the first note :))

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